Headlines - Southport, Formby, Liverpool - Week ending 2020-05-10

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Formby marks 75 years on from the end of World War 2 in Europe

75 years ago, on 8 May 1945, the world celebrated victory and the end of World War 2 in Europe, marking 1 of the greatest moments in history. On 8 May 2020, the UK had planned to mark the day with big celebrations, sadly we face a new battle with COVID-19. But the UK still marked the day in a very British way. This is a very quick clip taken in Formby of the socially distanced street parties. Back in 1995 our Editor photographed the VE/VJ 50th Anniversary celebrations in Formby, as the official photographer, some of the photos have been used by Joan Rimmer in a book. Patrick Trollope had hoped to have some of the photos on display in the Village for the 75th Anniversary...

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Response from UK golf bodies to Prime Minister's announcement

"THE UK Government has announced that golf will be able to resume in England on Wednesday, 13 May 2020. All outdoor sport must be done alone or within a household group and that includes golf. There is no change to the current position in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales and so golf courses in these countries must remain closed for now. It is important to stress..."

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RSPCA dealt with 257 incidents about hedgehogs in Merseyside 2019

THE RSPCA dealt with 3,459 wildlife incidents in Merseyside last year, 257 about hedgehogs, and is bracing for a surge in calls to rescue sick, injured and orphaned wild animals and birds as the breeding season starts. This week marks the start of Hedgehog Awareness Week and newly...

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If out and about in the Formby area keep a look out for a rare flower

THIS unusual flower is non-native, but has become naturalised in a few places, mainly in the South and East of England, but also on the Formby Sand Dunes, on the Merseyside Coastline. The Ornithogalum Arabicum (Star of Bethlehem) native to Northern Africa and southern Europe...

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The latest message from Crosby Plaza Cinema

ON Sunday, 10 May 2020, Crosby's Plaza Community Cinema's LED message read:- "In keeping with our support for key workers we pay a special THANK YOU to all Ambulance workers both at North West Ambulance Service and St John Ambulance you are amazing." This is...

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Life in lockdown:- a 'doortrait' of our times

TO raise funds for frontline NHS staff, photographer Andy Sillett has launched a national campaign:- doortraits4nhs. Photographers are offering free doorstep portraits:- "doortraits" for households during the Coronavirus lockdown. Sillett was inspired to launch the project after photographing frontline nurses at his local Hospital in Kingston...

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Lockdown is our "Situation Normal"

IF you and your family are still getting on well during the Covid 19 situation then according to Gaynor and Beverley, 2 live aboard sailors from Liverpool, you have passed the 1st test needed to be able to consider a different lifestyle on the margins of society. Gaynor and Beverley ran away to sea and...

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Manchester based Cyber Teec h company signs deal with 15 countries for its Covid-19 app

INTERNATIONAL Digital Health Technology firm Circle Pass Enterprises (CPE) has signed a deal with VST Enterprises Ltd (VSTE) the British cyber security company founded by tech entrepreneur Louis-James Davis (31) to integrate its state of the art VCode® and VPlatform®...

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7 ways the Coronavirus pandemic has changed UK funerals

EACH year, Dying Matters Awareness Week aims to raise public awareness about the importance of talking more openly about dying, death, and making funeral wishes known.  This year, because of the Coronavirus pandemic, which is taking so many lives, the need to speak about...

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Southport's Household Waste Recycling Centre Re-Opening COVID-19

ON Monday, 4 May 2020 the local Household Waste Recycling Centres on Merseyside. On Monday, traffic levels where extremely high and that was followed by slightly lower levels on Tuesday, 5 May 2020. This footage was taken by us on the Tuesday. A motorist, who was in the long line of traffic, jokingly commented to us as we passed:- "I think this must be a new attraction for Southport during the lockdown." Sadly not on video.... We would also like to pass on many of those who...

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Aymentsheild Defaqto and Mind aim to ease UK's financial worries during national conversation week

FINANCIAL organisations Paymentshield and Defaqto have teamed up with mental health charity Mind for this year's National Conversation Week. The awareness week aims to get people talking in a bid to improve the nation's wellbeing, at a time when people are facing unprecedented challenges and...

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NSPCC launches nationwide campaign to help children exposed to harm under the lockdown

WITH growing concern for the safety of some children during the Coronavirus crisis the NSPCC wants more people to know how to get advice and support and where to raise concerns about a child's wellbeing. The charity is launching a new TV and advertising campaign across the UK to promote its free and confidential helpline for adults. The film, which will run on national television..

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Mums take the lead on home Schooling - with only 12% of dads stepping up to the mark

MUMS are picking up almost all the home teaching burden during Schools lockdown, with just 11.8% of fathers taking the lead on helping their children keep up to speed. That's the shock finding from a survey of hundreds of parents of Primary School  aged children carried out by leading education resources and...

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Strawberry Field Steps to Work trainees say:- 'Love is All You Need' and 'We Can Work it Out' as the programme becomes:- 'Steps from Home'

THE Covid-19 pandemic has forced us all to change the way we work and be more creative with our resources. The Strawberry Field Steps to Work programme have responded to this challenge by creating:- 'Steps from Home.'  The Strawberry Field Steps to Work programme reaches out to young adults aged 18 to 25...

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Kyas Ako-parker from Liverpool, wins nationwide competition to be lead voice in new Animated Series about cleaning up our planet

A nationwide competition to find the voice of the lead character for a new animated series has today announced that local School boy, Kyas Ako-parker, from Liverpool, has won the main prize to narrate:- "Clean Our Planet: Energy Of Change." Kyas, aged 11, along with 5 other children from around the country were selected after...

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Young Minds publishes parent to parent mental health guide

THE UK's leading children and young people's mental health charity, Young Minds, has published a guide sharing advice from parents to other parents on how to support themselves and the young people in their care during the Coronavirus pandemic. During this difficult time for parents and carers, particularly those looking after children and young people with mental health needs, Young Minds has experienced an..

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Appeal for victim after attempted robbery at Birkenhead North Station

BRITISH Transport Police are appealing for information following an attempted robbery at Birkenhead North Station, Merseyside. The incident happened at 4.30pm, on Wednesday, 15 April 2020. 2 suspects are reported to have attacked the victim and tried but failed to take his bicycle. The victim then left the area before Officers could arrive. Enquiries into the incident are ongoing, and...

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Beau Kerouac's 'Wander' Series Launches to Support Public's Mental Health During Coronavirus Lockdown

ARTIST, Beau Kerouac, announces the launch of 'Wander' a series of specifically commissioned films designed to provide escapism and meditation to all during the current Covid-19 pandemic. The series features some of the world's best known actors and artists providing narration to their favourite stories based at some of the world's...

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College doesn’t allow Lockdown to put a stop to their Open Events

HUGH Baird College are finding innovative ways to ensure that anyone with an interest in applying to 1 of their 300 plus courses, has the information they need to make the right choice about their next steps to realising their future career goals. Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, the College made the decision to cancel the open events they had planned in May and across the summer. In place of the open the...

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Ecclesiastical launches the Movement for Good awards 2020 giving ₤1 million to charities in need

SPECIALIST insurer Ecclesiastical is giving away another ₤1 million to charities with the return of its Movement for Good awards. In 2019 more than 1,600 kind hearted Merseyside residents voted for over 100 charities across the Region. 2019 saw an amazing 98,000 people around the UK support the Movement for Good awards in total, with over 7,000 charitable...

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