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Sefton Council leader urges residents and businesses to check out new restrictions

SEFTON Leader Cllr Ian Maher is urging people to visit the Council's website, to find out more about the new, local Covid19 restrictions and how they might affected by them. A full list of Frequently Asked Questions about the new measures can be found at:- Sefton.Gov.UK/CovidFAQs. The questions cover a range of areas including:-

 What the new measures mean and what areas they cover.

 How they will affect people's households and social life.

Support bubbles and childcare.

Support for vulnerable people.



Pubs bars and restaurants.



Sporting events.

Places of worship.

The guidance applies across the Liverpool City Region and will be updated in line with any further Government guidance. Also if the need for any Sefton specific guidance emerges, it will be added to the list.

County Lines officers seize drugs and weapon across the North

A haul of drugs and knives have been taken off the railway thanks to the work of County Lines detectives in a recent British Transport Police operation. Officers made a series of arrests and drug seizures across the north as part of an operation by the County Lines Taskforce. Designed to tackle drug distribution through the rail network and to protect the vulnerable children exploited in the process, detectives arrested:-

 A 53 year old man at Preston Station on Friday, 11 September, who was found to be carrying a backpack full of vacuum packed drugs. He was arrested for possession with intent to supply class A and class B and possession of class A drugs and released under investigation.

 A 17 year old for possession of cannabis on Wednesday, 16 September 2020, at Lancaster. He was charged and was already on bail for possession with intent to supply.

 A 21 year old man on Thursday, 17 September 2020, at Sheffield station for possession with intent to supply cannabis. Officers were alerted when he attempted to avoid the drugs dog. He was found to be in possession of 20 wraps of cannabis, scales, 3 e phones and a large knife and released under investigation. Another man arrested the same day was wanted for theft.

 2 men seen smoking cannabis outside Leeds station, on Friday, 18 September 2020. A stop and search found they were both carrying knives and drugs. One also had scales and snapbags so both were arrested for possession of an offensive weapon, possession of class B and concerned in the supply of class B. Both were released under investigation.

 A 20 year old man, at Manchester Piccadilly, on Saturday, 19, September 2020, after a drugs dog alerted officers. He was found to be in possession of 8 bags of cocaine and arrested for possession with intent to supply class A drugs and released under investigation.

 An 18 year old man at Manchester Piccadilly for possession of class A cocaine after he was found carrying two bags of cocaine. He was reported.

British Transport Police has been carrying out County Lines operations across England, Wales and Scotland since it secured Home Office funding for a Taskforce, in December 2019. The main aims of the Taskforce are to tackle drugs on the railway network, and to protect children and vulnerable adults who are often exploited by gangs into selling or moving drugs. Efforts are made to safeguard any vulnerable or exploited person arrested as part of County Lines, referring them to services built to encourage and support the person away from dangerous criminal activity. BTP has partnered with The Children's Society and their #LookCloser awareness campaign to encourage professionals and the public to:- 'Look Closer' for signs that a child may be at risk of criminal exploitation. It is aimed at anyone who may encounter children in their daily lives, including service sector employees and transport workers, as public spaces are often where exploited children are most visible.

Taskforce lead, Detective Superintendent Gareth Williams said:- "Our Taskforce is in a unique position, we operate nationally and target County Lines activity across the railway network. Our experience has proven that gangs who use the railway network rely on younger people to move drugs. These individuals are victims, forced through exploitation or intimidation into desperate situations, and it's always our priority to make support available that can get them out of harm and away from crime. Since December, we've been carrying out operations daily, always based on developing intelligence that shows where gangs are operating. We get part of our information through working in partnership with other law enforcement agencies, but also importantly through the support of the rail industry who train their staff to spot signs of exploitation. These efforts to raise awareness of signs of exploitation have been greatly helped by the work of The Children's Society who's #LookCloser campaign aims to encourage everyone to spot key signs. Key indicators include a teenager travelling long distances, alone with a large amount of cash, or avoiding any sort of authority at stations. These indicators are small but invaluable and help inform where we target next. We have a rapidly evolving understanding of County Lines offending and we are prepared to tackle it, wherever the intelligence leads us."

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