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Strawberry Field launches 'People of Peace' Awards in Liverpool as the city prepares to mark John Lennon's 80th birthday

AS the City prepares to mark what would have been the 80th birthday of John Lennon, in October 2020, the team at Strawberry Field are launching a local search for Liverpool's most inspirational:- 'People of Peace.' The awards where launched on the International Day of Peace; in order to offer a unique way of celebrating the legacy of John Lennon, and encouraging the peace, which John so often spoke about. Do you know somebody who has been promoting or enabling peace in their community? Do they display particular personal characteristics, which make them a Person of Peace? Does peace seem to follow this person around? If so, now is your chance to nominate them for this inaugural award. Strawberry Field are seeking nominations from across Liverpool. All nominees must be resident in the City. To enter your:- 'Person of Peace,' visit the Strawberry Field website or ring:- 01512526130.

Captain Louise Brown, Fresh Expression Leader at Strawberry Field says:- “We felt that particularly during this time of pandemic, it would be wonderful to celebrate individuals. We have seen how during these months of Covid19  and isolation, it has been so important to find new ways to connect with people, and many people have begun to find real value in the simple things in life. We celebrate the stories of hope across Liverpool where we have heard about neighbours reaching out to their neighbours in all sort of practical ways, whether it's helping with shopping, or organising a street quiz, or picking up the telephone, all of these things have helped to foster peace in a time of crisis. Peace is so needed today, just as it was when John Lennon was alive. Individuals need peace where all around them is fear and anxiety. Many countries need peace today because of war and conflict. Our world needs peace today more than ever. The Salvation Army as a Christian Church and Charity seeks to share the love and peace of God through everything it is and does. We value every individual and believe that each person on this earth has an important part to play.”

The awards launch on Monday, 21 September 2020, and nominations remain open, until Monday, 2 November 2020, with winners being announced in December 2020. The winners will have their photo and part of their story on display, at Strawberry Field for 1 year.

Strawberry Field have appointed a panel of judges to select 5 winners. They are:- Major Kathy Versfeld, Mission Director of Strawberry Field; Paul Beesley, Blue Badge Tour Guide, Chair of the Association of Liverpool Tour Guides and broadcaster with BBC Radio Merseyside; Charlie Roberts, childhood friend of John Lennon and The Quarrymen; and author of Just Like Starting Over; and Lady Anne Dodd, philanthropist and champion of charitable causes across the City.

Liverpool supports Recycle Week as City's rates rise

RECYCLING rates in Liverpool have continued to rise with more and more residents doing their bit to protect the environment; even during the lockdown. Figures collated by Liverpool City Council's Recycling Team show that during May, despite Covid19 disruptions, the amount of green waste being recycled in the City increased by more than 1,000 tonnes when compared with the same time in 2019. While during June the rate more than doubled to more than 4,053 tonnes when compared with June 2019. And it doesn't end there, because the team says that areas of the City that have had on street communal bins installed have seen increases in the amount of recycling waste collected of up to 40%.

In other areas of the City, residents have been encouraged to reclaim and adopt their alleyways, grow their own flowers and produce and have had composting bins installed to help recycle their food waste. All this good news is a great start to national Recycle Week, that ran over 21 September to 27 September 2020, which Liverpool City Council and its partners are supported. To mark the week, the City's civic buildings will be lit up green throughout the week and residents are being encouraged to build on the good work by doing even more to cut down on waste.

Carl Beer, Chief Executive of Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority, said:- "Recycling plays a key role in the waste hierarchy and the ultimate aim of Zero Waste and positively affecting climate change; we can all do our part to make the Liverpool City Region a cleaner place to be. Recycling has become an everyday behaviour for most people, but Recycle Week is a great reminder that if more of us recycled a bit more, more often then we could make even more of a difference."

In 2019, the Council declared a Climate Change Emergency and while great strides have been made, the City's overall recycling rate stands at 41%. The recycling team is urging everyone to adopt the mantra:- Reduce, Re-use and Recycle and offers these potentially planet saving tips:-

 Don't buy plastic unless you have to, buy a reusable container.

 Before you shop make a list of what you need to avoid unused food waste.

 Don't dump discarded furniture on our streets - book a free Bulky Bobs collection.

 Only put recyclable material in your blue bin, if you don't, it won't be collected.

 Put your recyclables into the Blue Bin loose - don't put them in a plastic bag.

 Take unwanted clothes and textiles to a charity bank or charity shop, don't put them in the blue bin.

 Give home composting a go to re-use some food and garden waste and reduce the amount going into purple bin.

 Use your Household Waste Recycling Centres, at Old Swan and Otterspool.

Cllr Laura Robertson-Collins, Liverpool City Council's Cabinet Member for the Environment and Sustainability, said:- "As we begin national Recycle Week, it's great news that so many people in our City have been doing more to recycle their household waste. There are some amazing initiatives taking place across Liverpool that we hope to highlight during this week. There are so many ways you can recycle your waste now and even if you only take some small steps, you'll be helping to protect the environment and our City for future generations. The theme of this year's Recycle Week is Together We Recycle; it's clear from the figures that Liverpool is taking these words to heart."

To find out more about how to recycle in Liverpool, visit:- Liverpool.Gov.UK and search:- 'recycling.' Schools and Communities can use our online education resource on:- CultureLiverpool.Co.UK.

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