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It's illegal and you didn't know it

AS new laws are continually introduced, many people are doing things that are simply illegal without knowing it, says a leading criminal lawyer in the Region. Top of the illegal habits is for people to eat chocolate in the supermarket only to have finished it by the time they get to the checkout and pay for an empty bar. Rachel Adamson, criminal law specialist at regional niche law firm Adkirk Law serving Southport , said:- “Worryingly, new legislation is also catching people out such as the illegal use of wi-fi or the illegal downloading of music or certain documents, which now seem entirely natural to do without asking. It is also illegal to send unsolicited mail to another person without their consent under the data protection laws and people have been prosecuted for it.”

The laws on data protection say that you can only send emails to individual subscribers if they have 'previously notified the sender' of their specific consent to receiving such emails. Rachel's message to the public is:- “Be careful. We should all consider the possible consequences before we engage into some of these things - you could be breaking the law on something important and end up in court. Take advice first if you are in any doubt.”

Adkirk Law is a leading UK Law firm offering a niche practice with expertise in regulatory law including:- serious fraud, regulation and Police misconduct. Regulatory breaches can result in enforcement action being taken against businesses or individuals. Any breach of regulations or obligations can result in loss of registration with:- regulators, criminal prosecution, prohibition notices and other serious sanctions.

Is Department for Education Guidance to Schools dangerous?

THIS year has been hard for the entertainment industry and Circus have been some of the hardest hit. But Cheshire based Gandeys Circus is still on the road and will be bringing you the double trouble of your favourite 2 clowns:- Chico Rico and Andreea, as they head home for the end of seasion.

You can join the family on an their incredible journey from Victorian England through the USA, South America, Bollywood and Africa in an epic 2 hour adventure, from the comfort of the Circus' socially distanced seating within the Gandeys Theatre Big Top. They will be visiting Ellesmere Port, on Backford Roundabout (A41/A5117) over Wednesday, 7 October 2020 to 18 October 2020.

"With the outbreak of the Covid virus across the globe all live entertainment and life as we know it stopped still. During the lockdown our team based in Cheshire have worked hard to formulate new measures alongside the Government body the DCMS to ensure we develop and bring in new measures at our events to keep us Covid Compliant, our events team have designed a new template for our audiences introducing social distancing, reduced capacity and extra measures that will help to keep our visitors enjoying our world class, heart stopping spectacular production. We have reduced capacity of our brand new fully heated floored and carpeted theatre big top. We will have a full international cast of circus artistes perform death defying acts and west end style theatrical production numbers with a truly amazing team of world class performers with over 200 stunning costumes... Only the best dancers, acrobats , artistes and performers are hand picked direct from each corner of the earth to appear in YOUR circus, GANDEYS! So please pop over and show your support for your local Circus. But you should book early as we have limited capacity, due to Social Distancing measures." said Binky Beaumont.

Box Office opens on site, from Tuesday, 6 October 2020, and will be open until the last day of the stop, daily, from 9.30am to 8pm. For more information please visit:- GandeysCircus.Com.

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