Covid-19 Support Fund opens to
applicants for golf clubs and facilities

ENGLAND Golf on 8 July 2020 has invited
applications from all affiliated clubs and facilities to The
R&A's Covid-19 Support Fund. In agreement with The R&A, a sum of
₤2,555,000 has been made available to clubs in England hit hard
by the effects of the Coronavirus pandemic. Clubs and facilities
can now register their interest in the fund and begin the
application process. Each club/facility may apply for a grant of
up to ₤10,000.
The idea behind the fund and how to apply was outlined in a
letter sent to all affiliated clubs and facilities today by
England Golf CEO, Jeremy Tomlinson. "May I take this
opportunity to thank The R&A for supporting the club and amateur
game through this fund and you, the clubs, for all your efforts
over the past few difficult months. The spirit of community,
dedication to the game, a willingness to find solutions in
unprecedented times and your support of England Golf's notes of
guidance have been crucial to golf playing a prominent role in
the nation's sporting recovery. The purpose of the fund is to
provide short term financial support to clubs and facilities as
they develop a resilient business strategy and then plan for
future sustainability. Our aim will be to support as many
applications as possible with consideration given to those
applicants who have a clear financial need and can outline an
ongoing impact from grants received." wrote Tomlinson.
The fund has been welcomed as a means to help clubs build for a
brighter future. Clubs and facilities applying to the fund will
be asked to commit to England Golf's policies on safeguarding
and equality. Applications opened on Wednesday, 8 July 2020 and
will close, at 4pm, on Friday, 31 July 2020. Clubs will discover
the outcome of applications from week commencing 24 August 2020
and monies will start to be distributed during September 2020.
Furloughed workers refusing
to come back to work
FOR the last 3 months, more
than 1 in 4 UK workers has been placed on furlough whilst the
country faces the Covid-19 pandemic, and it appears that
significant numbers don't want to go back. While furlough
schemes have provided many workers with the opportunity to have
a long period of time off of work while still being paid, we've
found that many are reluctant or down right refusing to come
back to work.
Health and Safety software company Protecting.Co.UK have heard
from many employers who are struggling to get their employees to
come back into work, with the habit of being on paid leave
seeming hard to break.
"Have workers become lazy after 3 months off? Just because the
UK Government is paying their wages shouldn't mean they are
entitled to stay off work and get paid to do absolutely
nothing," says company spokesman Mark Hall.
With the UK Government announcing that the furlough scheme has
been extended until the end of October 2020, many employers are
worried that their staff will abuse the system. "The UK
Government is paying my wage so I don't have to work"
The current UK furlough scheme which has been put in place
allows employees to receive 80% of their monthly salary up to
the value of ₤2,500, paid for by the UK Government, but as
over a quarter of workers in the UK are now on the scheme, there
are fears that some people are treating it as a holiday that
their bosses cannot call them back from. surveyed 500 businesses about employees'
reactions to being on furlough, and 10% of business owners have
had to explain to workers that they can be called off of the
scheme at any point and asked to return back to work.
Leon, Salford:- "I called up a member of staff to say we were
happy to bring them off furlough and they could start work again
and they point blank refused to come back for no reason other
than they expected the UK Government to continue paying their
wage. It wasn't like they even needed to come in, they would
have been working from home"
Cynthia, Norfolk:- "I've had staff calling up and asking to stay
on furlough, but I need them back at work. I've put all kinds of
measures in place and it's perfectly safe for them."
Muhammad, Newcastle:- "I've had 1 member of staff refusing to
come back from furlough because he doesn't think it'll be safe,
but I've seen online he's been going on days out with his family
to the seaside at Whitley Bay. I think he's just milking the
paid time off."
Charlie, Bristol:- "1 lady emailed me and said...
UK Government is paying my wage so I don't have to work'' and no
matter how much I explained to her that she was only on furlough
for as long as I put her on the scheme, she did not understand
it at all."
Hall:- "I know that for some it must feel like a dream come true
being paid, but not having to go to work, but your boss is fully
entitled to call you back to work as soon as it's safe and
practical. I'm trying to encourage staff to return on their own
Although it might be easy to assume that staff do not want to
come back into work because they can't be bothered and they've
been enjoying a paid summer away from the office, there are many
people who are still concerned about the health risks of
returning to work during the pandemic.
Over ⅖ of UK workers are feeling anxious about returning
to work after the lockdown, with many expressing their fears
over lack of safety in the workplace and the general health
risks that may occur.
Hall:- "Some staff members might be apprehensive about returning
to work amidst so much uncertainty, but by keeping them up to
date with any changes that will be implemented for their safety
and providing PPE might be enough to coax them back into the
This is how some bosses are approaching the situation, such as
Tricia who runs an office in Devon, who says she's trying to be
as flexible as possible to ease people into coming back into
work. "I'm trying to encourage staff to come back on their own
terms, and many are eager to come back to get paid their full
wage again."
Mark Hall says:- "Covid-19 hasn't been a holiday by any stretch
of the imagination; it's been a time of illness and frustration
and tragedy. If you've got a job and you've been furloughed,
coming back to work is important for both you and your employer,
but only if it's safe."
Stamp duty holiday - is it
THE UK's Chancellor of
the Exchequer Rishi Sunak has announced he will be cutting VAT
on tourism businesses from 20% to 5% as part of a suite of
measures designed to help sectors recover from Covid-19.
Simon Ainsworth, Head of Private Client at regional law firm
Napthens, said:- "We are extremely busy completing many
transactions instigated pre-lockdown, alongside dealing with an
influx of new work since the property market was effectively
released midway through May. The stamp duty land tax holiday
will only add further stimulus to that. This helps those buying
at up to ₤0.5m who will now pay no stamp duty at all. Even those
buying second homes or investment properties will see some
benefit although the 3 per cent extra duty due will still apply.
As part of the overall initiative, we would urge lenders to
adopt a more relaxed criteria going forward. We do not want to
see the cavalier lending of pre-2008, but many lenders are
refusing to lend more than 85 per cent of the purchase price and
this often leaves first time buyers struggling to raise the
deposit. They won't benefit from the stamp duty holiday if they
cannot afford to buy in the 1st place. If lenders can help and
the general economy also picks up then we would hope to see a
sustained level of activity in the market beyond next March when
this runs out."
Also responding to this, CLA President Mark Bridgeman said:-
"After intense lobbying from the Country Land and Business
Association, we're delighted that the UK Government has cut VAT
to help our tourism sector fight back from a devastating start
to the year. Until now VAT on tourism businesses has been much
higher than in other comparable countries* putting domestic
tourism businesses at a competitive disadvantage to holiday
providers overseas. This welcome change from UK Government means
more people will be able to afford to enjoy a holiday in the
Great British countryside whilst also helping to revive rural
economies across the country. The next challenge will be to
ensure we are able to stimulate demand not just in the short
term, but through the less popular winter months too."
The CLA called for a VAT reduction when it published its paper
'COVID-19: Restarting the economy in rural areas on the CLA's
website back in May 2020.
* Did you know that VAT on comparable businesses in France is:-
10%, Spain:- 10% and Greece:- 13%!
LGA responds to the Summer
Economic Update
Summer Economic Update announced by the Chancellor, Cllr James
Jamieson, Chairman of the Local UK Government Association,
said:- "The social and economic challenge we face as a
nation cannot be underestimated. We are pleased that the
Chancellor has acted on Council calls by announcing investment
in skills, creating jobs, apprenticeships and opportunities for
young people. Councils have also been leading calls for a green
recovery so initiatives, such as social housing decarbonisation
and a focus on green jobs, are also encouraging steps. Councils
are deeply concerned about local economic decline and rising
unemployment. Locally led action will be key if every part of
the country is to bounce back from this economic shock. Councils
want to work with the UK Government on how to best target
increased national investment to help young people and adults
secure jobs and get millions of people back into work. With the
potential for more than a million young people not in education,
employment or training this September, the scale of the
challenge facing our young people is enormous. A 6 month
placement scheme for those facing long term unemployment is
positive and this needs to be available immediately, as many
were furloughed or lost their jobs or apprenticeships almost 4
months ago. Our recent research found a million green jobs could
be created in England by 2050 as the nation transitions to a net
zero economy. Localising and devolving skills investment, back
to work support and a job guarantee is critical so Councils,
which are driving the climate change agenda locally, can work
with businesses and education providers to ensure everyone
benefits from this expected demand for green jobs. We also want
to work with UK Government, employers and providers to create
green apprenticeship opportunities for young people as part of
this green investment package. While the measures announced
today are positive, there is also unfinished business when it
comes to fully supporting Councils and some sectors. Councils
continue to lead local areas through this crisis and are
committed to working with the UK Government to help communities,
but further measures are needed to fully address the severe
financial challenges they face as a result. It is also vital
that the UK Government develops a package of support for
swimming pool and leisure centre providers if we are to ensure
that communities do not see their cherished facilities close
forever. The next 6 months have the potential to shape the
direction of this country for years to come. With full funding
and the right powers, Councils can grasp the opportunity to not
just recover from this pandemic, but to go further and address
the stark inequalities the virus has exposed, develop a green
recovery, address skills gaps and rebuild the economy so that it
benefits everyone."
Campaign for Pubs calls on
UK Government to take action to stop the pub rent rip off
THE Campaign for Pubs,
the grassroots campaign for pubs, publicans and all pub lovers,
has called on the UK Government to take action to stop the pub
rent rip off if they are serious about saving pubs rather
propping up huge corporations and property companies.
The Campaign for Pubs has welcomed the fact that pubs have been
allowed to open again, with strict social distancing measures in
place, however trade is restricted and for nearly all pubs,
considerably reduced and many pubs are still not able to open
viably. In addition, surveys show that many customers are not
yet returning to the pub. Yet some pub owners, some of whom have
been charging full rent throughout lockdown, are charging rent
based on normal trading conditions and figures, which threatens
the survival of thousands of pubs.
The Campaign for Pubs have written to the Secretary of State for
Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, Rt. Hon. Alok Sharma
MP urging the UK Government to take action to tackle the pub
rent rip off, because the large pub owning companies are failing
to abide by the voluntary Covid Rent Code of Practice and are
charging rents that bear no relation to current restricted
trading conditions.
It is already clear from figures supplied by licensees up and
down the country, including:- Campaign for Pubs members, that
trade is restricted and reduced and that this will be the case
for months to come. Campaign for Pubs licensee members are
reporting that trade for those that could open over the weekend
was down by anything between 30% and 60% from the same time last
year. Pub tenants and lessees are also reporting that
unrealistic rents, are the biggest threat to the continued
existence of their pub businesses and that rent needs to be
correspondingly reduced across the board.
The Campaign for Pubs have welcomed the Secretary of State's
comments that "Our pubs, restaurants and cafes are the
lifeblood of High Streets and Town Centres across the country
and we are doing all we can to ensure they can bounce back as
quickly and safely as possible". However in order for
those words to be put into action publicans now urgently require
action to stop the charging of unreasonable and unsustainable
rents; and need the UK Government to step in and help all pub
tenants by giving them all the right to a rent review.
The Campaign for Pubs are calling for the UK Government to do
the 5 key things:-
1.Bring in a meaningful mandatory Covid-19 rent code of conduct
including a statutory right to a rent review for all pub
2.Call on all pub owners who rent and lease pubs to offer a rent
free period for all pubs and an extended period of protection
from landlords if rent cannot be paid.
3.Abolish all "upward only" rent review clauses in
all pub leases so that it is possible to reduce rents in future
rent reviews if trading conditions continue to make current
rents unsustainable.
4.To apply these measures to all tenants, including:- MRO/commercial
5.In the case of the big 6 Regulated pubcos covered by the Pubs
Code, the right to a market rent only (MRO) lease should be
available to all of their tenants and leaseholders in place of a
rent review to ensure a level playing field throughout pubs in
the UK, and the original determination of the Pubs Code being:-
'no worse off.'
The Campaign for Pubs, representing pubs, publicans and pub
campaigners, have also warned the Secretary of State to note
that to the big pubcos trade association, the BBPA, are refusing
to accept the role that their members have in shouldering their
fair share of the burden and instead hoping that the public
purse will provide the means for their members and other
pub-owning bodies to carry on charging unsustainable and
unreasonable rents. This would not help pubs or publicans at
all, the taxpayer's money would merely prop up the pubcos and go
to shareholders and creditors. 1 of the 6 regulated pubcos is
owned by a Hong Kong property company, another is owned by a
company based in the Cayman Islands and a third is owned by a
Mayfair based private equity company. The Campaign for Pubs
believes the UK Government must save pubs, not pubcos.
The Campaign for Pubs have also called for ongoing support, in
the form of further furlough support for pubs that cannot open
and a VAT cut for hospitality, but are urging the UK Government
to force the large pubcos to do their bit, rather than seeking
taxpayers money to continue to charge unreasonable rents, that
do not reflect current trading levels.
The Campaign for Pubs exists to provide a real voice for pubs,
bringing together publicans, customers and brewers and allow who
love pubs and value our pub culture. The Campaign for Pubs
campaigns for a better, freer and fairer, more sustainable pub
sector as laid out in the mission statement. The Campaign for
Pubs costs ₤25 a year to join, or ₤40 for a couple and members
become part of a national network of those who care about pubs
and their future.
Commenting, Paul Crossman, Chair of the Campaign for Pubs and
licensee of 3 pubs in York said:- "It's positive that some
pubs are able to open, but is clear from publicans that pubs
will not be at normal trading levels for some time and rents
must reflect this, but do not. It's a disgrace that many pub
owning companies are ignoring this and seeking unreasonable
levels of rent. Unless tackled by the UK Government, this will
cause many pub businesses to fail. It's disappointing, but not
surprising that the pubcos trade association are refusing to
tackle this and are hoping that their big pubco members can
continue to charge sky high rents. So it's crunch time for the
UK Government, are they going to support local pubs or the
faceless corporations who own our local pubs? It's time to stop
the pub rent rip off and to save pubs, not prop up pubcos."
Commenting, Greg Mulholland, Campaign Director of the Campaign
for Pubs said:- "We welcome the fact that some pubs have
been able to open, but it is clear from licensees up and down
the country that, inevitably, with restrictions in place, that
trade is down compared to normal conditions, yet rents don't
reflect this. The Campaign for Pubs has called for ongoing
support from the UK Government with pubs facing reduced trade
and with some pubs still unable to open, but pubcos and property
owners must also be made to play their part and cut rents.
Otherwise the pubcos and some commercial landlords will continue
to charge excessive rents and many publicans will be unable to
make ends meet, so the UK Government must act and stop the pub
rent rip off."
Dawn Hopkins, Vice-Chair of the Campaign for Pubs and licensee
of the Rose, Norwich said:- "All pubs need ongoing
support, if we are to avoid thousands of pub closures, but this
support must come from UK Government and the sector. It's time
that the large pubcos and other property owners stopped charging
rip off rents that are pushing publicans out of business. For
them to be calling for UK Government support, without playing
their part, is disgraceful and it's time the UK Government woke
up to the reality of the pubco model. It's time for the UK
Government to decide whether it wants to save pubs or pubcos and
if they want to save pubs, they need to stop the pub rent rip
New telephone booking line
introduced at Litherland Walk In Centre
TO support and maintain
the safe and effective delivery of care for our patients and
staff, Litherland Walk-In Centre operates a telephone triage and
appointment system with no opportunity for patients to:- 'Walk
In.' As of Monday, 13 July 2020, patients will be able to
book an appointment by contacting Litherland Walk In Centre
direct on their new number which is:- 0151 475 4667. By using
the appointment system, patients will be triaged over the phone
by an experienced Walk-In Centre clinician. If they need to be
seen at the Walk In Centre, an appointment will be allocated.
The Litherland Walk-In Centre telephone triage line will
operates every day, from 8am to 8pm. Those who only have
Covid-19 symptoms will be directed to NHS 111. If you have
Covid-19 symptoms and still require Walk-In Centre treatment for
another problem, you will still be triaged and seen.
Dr Rachel Williams, Associate Medical Director for Sefton,
said:- "We've introduced the new number and dedicated call
centre to enable patients to contact the Walk In Centre
directly, which will improve the triage process."
Delivered by North West Boroughs Healthcare NHS Foundation
Trust, Litherland Walk In Centre provides consultations, advice
and treatment for minor injuries and illnesses. You can find out
more about this service at:-
Fans of Prezzo in Southport
will be excited to hear that we are opening on 9 July 2020
TO celebrate our doors
being open again, diners will be able to enjoy some new
additions to the menu; a new calamari recipe, 4 new pizzas
(including veggie and vegan options), a new chicken burger, plus
new cocktails and coolers! And……after performing well in our
test restaurants at the start of this year, we're also
introducing our Vegan Spaghetti Bolognese (also available with
gluten free pasta). We think Life's better with Bolognese, and
now it can be enjoyed by everyone!
There are savings to be had as well with the Summer Set Menu.
Costing just ₤15 for 2 courses, and ₤19 for 3 courses. Those
that choose the delicious dishes from this menu can enjoy the
same size portions with a saving of up to ₤7.50*.
As you would expect, keeping everyone safe and healthy is our
top priority, so initially we're opening 35 of our 180
restaurants, and bringing in new initiatives to make sure
customers are safe including:-
► All menus will now be disposable to ensure no contamination.
► Digital ordering from a smartphone or tablet using the QR code
displayed on each table (customers can still order with 1 of our
team if they'd prefer)
► Standard social distancing markers, hand sanitiser units, and
posters with Public Health England advice throughout the
► The restaurants are now cashless. Customers can settle their
bill using Apple Pay or Android Pay, contactless or Chip and
Karen Jones, Executive Chair said:- "We can't wait to
welcome back our much-missed customers to out Southport
restaurant. Our sole focus is to blend safe and healthy working
practices with proper hospitality to give our people confidence
and our customers a wonderful, enjoyable return to Prezzo. Roll
on 9 July 2020!"
Total UK cases COVID-19 cases - update for Liverpool City Region
and surroundings
THE latest number of UK
Coronavirus (COVID-19) infections that have been laboratory
confirmed, within the UK, has risen by 630 cases and the total
number now stand at 286,979, that includes tests carried out by
commercial partners which are not included in the 4 National
Daily number of COVID-19 associated UK fatalities added to the
total, was sadly reported to be 126 according to the Department
of Health. The total number of deaths of people who have had a
positive test result confirmed by a Public Health or NHS
laboratory is 44,517.
In England, there are a total of 246,992 confirmed cases. North
West - total of 43,002 confirmed cases. The number of laboratory
confirmed cases within the following Local Authorities, in and
around the Liverpool City Region are as follows:-
► Liverpool, 2,451 confirmed cases.
► Sefton, 1,506 confirmed cases.
► Wirral, 2,024 confirmed cases.
► St. Helens, 1,197 confirmed cases
► Halton, 687 confirmed cases.
► Blackpool, 1,020 confirmed cases.
► Blackburn with Darwen, 1,020 confirmed cases.
► Bolton, 1,824 confirmed cases.
► Bury, 1,278 confirmed cases.
► Cheshire West and Chester, 1,951 confirmed cases.
► Cheshire East, 2,192 confirmed cases.
► Lancashire, 6,668 confirmed cases.
► Manchester, 2,905 confirmed cases.
► Oldham, 1,856 confirmed cases.
► Rochdale, 1,593 confirmed cases.
► Stockport, 1,629 confirmed cases.
► Tameside, 1,518 confirmed cases.
► Trafford, 1,250 confirmed cases.
► Wigan, 2,122 confirmed cases.