Liverpool City Region COVID-19 Updates - 2020-08-09

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Liverpool City Region COVID-19 Updates
... & Important Emergency Notices ...

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This page last updated on 9 August 2020

UK economy and jobs on the line as UK Government ignores pleas for help

AS experts warn that Britain teeters on the edge of a 2nd wave of Coronavirus, another crisis is looming. It has now been reported that up to 139,000 jobs could be cut within the next few months, due to Coronavirus. The UK economy shrank by more than 20% in the 1st half of the year and sadly, this grim news has continued to get worse. With the effects of a no deal Brexit looming and a real lack of support for many small businesses, the predicted 139,000 job losses could shoot up into the stratosphere.

Despite the Government's strategy to save British businesses starting well, the ₤330bn rescue package has seen many firms caught in the cracks, unable to access funds or support as they find themselves ineligible. This has led to many, in recent months, warning that Government system will lead to an economic and cultural implosion.

Already major firms are warning of mass redundancies, such as:- Dixons Carphone, Pizza Express, BA, Hays Travel and DW Sports, along with Royal Mail, Centrica and The Restaurant Group, which owns Frankie and Benny's...

Despite employers pointing out that current restrictions mean work forces have to temporarily shrink, within many businesses and that sectors such as the arts and also the media will take longer to recover. Additionally, the prospect of having to make those who had been furloughed redundant because in the eyes of many, the relief funding is being prematurely withdrawn, even though the pandemic continues. With little or no funding coming in, many businesses will be back to square one, the so called retention of jobs will prove a delusion and a costly mistake, because nothing will have been gained from the Governments payments, as redundancies will become inevitable. The only difference now is more jobs will be lost, as businesses struggle to pay to meet the costs of redundancy packages. For many there will be nothing left to pay anything with! This will surely lead to mass bankruptcies. And yet, the Chancellor, Rishi Sunak, has resisted calls to extend furlough or put in any other support in place to stave off widespread job losses. All pleas are falling on deaf ears, with him repeatedly saying the support cannot go on "indefinitely." Most people realise that this is true, but having made a bold and valiant effort, its silly to throw in the towel at this critical point.

A business leader in Liverpool said that it reminded him of the oft quoted saying, précised here:- "for want of a nail a shoe was lost, for want of a shoe a horse was lost, then rider, battle, war, and finally a kingdom fell, and all for want of a nail." He added that:- "The Chancellor really can't see past the rhetoric and has no ability to adapt a strategy. We are told that potential vaccines are very close to completion, so why should we risk everything for a few more pounds? Many employers like us believe the economy will be worth more later if we get the backing from Government and they invest now, rather than struggle to rebuild, once all has been lost."

To add insult to injury, thousands of small business owners left financially and emotionally devastated by more than 10 weeks of Government imposed lock down with many of them finding they had had no support themselves. That is especially so, as most schemes go on profit and not on turn over. Many small business owners have been left running up thousands of pounds in credit card debt to try and preserve their business. Often due to the fact they had invested in their businesses, having put everything they have earned back into their business, in order to develop them. As a result they have not made a profit and support is then 'not open to them.' But if they have staff, they have to pay redundancy if they lay them off. At first glance, some might say:- "Well that was the risk they took when they set up" but in reality, it is far from it. Without people like this, the UK job market would be far worse off, but they have been overlooked as well. Loose them, you might loose another or many other jobs, all for a sake of a few pounds in the short term.

Plus, after ₤12bn was released to help businesses in England, on 17 March 2020, to help them through the Coronavirus Pandemic, ₤1.5bn has now been found to have been 'unclaimed' and still 'sitting in council accounts.' But, its not as clear cut as just being unclaimed. Many small business have and some are still struggling to claim it! The Local Government Association (LGA) said local authorities needed more time and flexibility to ensure businesses benefited from the funding. This is despite the Government say it was working with Councils to reach eligible businesses, before the deadline at the end of August, when all the remaining funds must be returned to Central Government.

A spokesman for the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy has told the media that:- "We are working with local Councils to ensure funds get to as many eligible small business owners as possible. Businesses that are eligible, but haven't yet received grant funding should speak to their local Council, as soon as possible."

If your businesses has not yet claimed, you can apply for 1 of the following funds:-

► For the Small Businesses Grant, you must be based in England, occupy property for business use and have been eligible for relief on various rates by 11 March 2020.

► To access the retail, Hospitality and Leisure Grant, the business must be mainly used as a venue for hospitality, retail or leisure. Some charities can also apply.

More information on the Businesses Grant can be found on the .Gov.UK website.

But the Emergency Grants will not hold businesses for long and nor will the Bounce Back Loans, that have proven to be a mine field and extremely hard for businesses not only to apply for, but for many small businesses the ability to meet the requirements that would make any real long term benefit.

Now many business leaders are asking the same questions:- "Why does the Government not see the future and jump at a chance to stimulate and boost the economic landscape, by seeding small and medium sized local businesses, who keep funds mostly in the UK? If funded now, many will be our future and it will allow new innovation that could easily set us on the path to long term balance and success. This is a huge opportunity and 1 that could easily set us on the path to a stable long term economically. So why is this Government not seeing the long term, big picture and focusing still on foreign investments and markets over our own businesses?"

Currently figures obtained by the BBC in a Freedom of Information request showed 1,778 companies informed the Insolvency Service of their intention to cut more than 139,000 jobs in England, Scotland and Wales and with many more to follow... With all these questions and the worry of so many job losses, what will the long term costs of this have not only on the economic landscape, but also the social and medical landscape? Is it not better to splash the cash now and support all sectors and people now, and not push so many off a cliff? What are your thoughts on this? Also, are you having problems accessing funds? Please email them to:- as we would love to know... Please indicate if you are not agreeable to be quoted and for information to be passed on to other groups like the Federation of Small Businesses and MP's, so we can try to get you the help you need.

Total UK cases COVID-19 cases in and around Liverpool City Region

THE total UK daily number of lab-confirmed positive test results:- 1,062. The total overall UK lab-confirmed positive test results:- 310,825. Daily number of COVID-19 associated UK fatalities added to the total, was sadly reported to be:- 8, with the total number of deaths of people who have had a positive test result now standing at:- 46,574. In England, there are a total of 268,312 confirmed cases since the outbreak. North West - total of 48,129 confirmed cases. The number of COVID-19 patients currently in UK Hospitals:- 1,067. The current number of COVID-19 patients currently in mechanical ventilation beds in UK Hospitals:- 67. Daily number of COVID-19 patients admitted to UK Hospitals:- 142. Due to new UK Government system of reporting we are having to sort out a new system to bring you the local area results, for the Liverpool City Region and surrounding areas.

The number of laboratory confirmed cases within the Liverpool City Region are as follows:-


► Liverpool, 2,631 confirmed cases.

► Halton,
715 confirmed cases.

Knowsley, 1,040 confirmed cases. 

► Sefton,
1,589 confirmed cases.

► St. Helens, 1,232 confirmed cases


► Wirral, 2,085 confirmed cases.

The number of laboratory confirmed cases within Local Authorities around the Liverpool City Region are as follows:-

► Blackburn with Darwen, 1,538 confirmed cases.


► Blackpool, 1,063 confirmed cases.


► Bolton, 2,083 confirmed cases.


► Bury, 1,407 confirmed cases.


► Cheshire East, 2,280 confirmed cases.


► Cheshire West and Chester, 2,068 confirmed cases.


► Lancashire, 7,441 confirmed cases.


► Manchester, 3,483 confirmed cases.


► Oldham, 2,359 confirmed cases.


Preston, 1,294 confirmed cases.


► Rochdale, 1,971 confirmed cases.


Salford, 1,553 confirmed cases.


► Stockport, 1,847 confirmed cases.


► Tameside, 1,722 confirmed cases.


► Trafford, 1,497 confirmed cases.


Warrington, 1,365 confirmed cases


► Wigan, 2,212 confirmed cases.

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