Liverpool City Region COVID-19 Updates - 2020-08-11

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Liverpool City Region COVID-19 Updates
... & Important Emergency Notices ...

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This page last updated on 11 August 2020

#WeMakeEvents - R E D A L E R T -

THE events sector urgently needs the UK Government support to survive the COVID-19 crisis... Red Alert is a campaign hosting major outdoor events and Tuesday, 11 August 2020, in London, and across the UK, they will be calling on the Government to:- "THROW US A LINE!" Live events industry across the UK will come together in solidarity to host a series of creative action to help save the live events and entertainment sector, which is on the verge of collapsing without financial support from the Government.

Hundreds of venues are expected to turn their lights red, along with other creative activities being staged in over 20 cities across the UK to symbolise the industry going into red alert, and a final call to action titled:- 'Throw us a line' will be taking centre stage on London's South Bank.

The capital's finale will begin on a boat at 20:30, as it makes it way down the Thames; passing Royal Festival Hall, the National Theatre and the Tate, and more all illuminated red. As the boat reaches key locations, such as Westminster Bridge and Jubilee Bridge, hundreds of volunteers will symbolise the:- 'throw us a line' theme creatively.

The call to action hopes to raise awareness for over a million professionals at risk of losing their jobs, 600,000 of whom deliver outdoor events, around 70% of the workforce are freelance. The imminent closure of the self employed income support scheme at the end of the month threatens their livelihood.

Unlike other industries, events, festivals, and performances have been unable to safely reopen due to social distancing guidance and may not reopen until early 2021; and opening times keep being pushed back. With no Government support on the horizon for the event supply chain, redundancies have already begun, research indicates that 25% of companies will have served redundancy notices by end of August, this rises to 70% by the end of December.

Over nineteen trade associations from the live events sector are collaborating for the 1st time to save help save their industry; the initial #WeMakeEvents campaign by PLASA issued a:- 'Red Alert' last week, to symbolise the imminent danger the industry is in.

The socially distanced call to action will shine a light on the collaborative nature of the industry, showcasing a creative experience and live displays containing messages from established figures. Platinum selling artists Peter Gabriel, The Cure, and Imogen Heap are a few of the many voices giving their support to this cause, with others expected to join.

Peter Gabriel, singer, songwriter and activist, comments:- "The live events sector employs over 600,000 highly skilled people in the UK; event production, audio, lighting, video, logistics, planning, transportation and technology, over 70% of which are freelancers. All of whom have had no work for the past four months, with little likelihood of restarting until Spring 2021 at the earliest."

Peter continues:- "A lot of high arts have now been given some support, but people working on the festival side of things and in live events have been forgotten about, and I hope they are not forgotten about any longer. Around the UK they've created something which I think is the best in the world. Many of these people are freelancers, so don't fall under furlough schemes. So right now, they are feeling the pinch very badly and if we want live events and festivals to stay an important British business then it needs to be supported."

Award winning rock band, The Cure, comments:- "The events sector urgently needs Government support to survive the COVID-19 crisis. Without major, immediate support from Government, the entire live events sector supply chain is at risk of collapse. The aim is to have financial support extended for the people and companies in this sector, until they can return to work. "

Peter Heath, MD of PLASA, comments:- "The live events industry supply chain, essential to every single event in the UK, is set to completely collapse without financial support from the Government, due to social distancing prohibiting mass events. Large Scale events are not expected to reopen until Spring 2021 at the earliest, and the reality is that the sector can't wait that long. We've issued a:- 'Red Alert' after using #WeMakeEvents because the sector is on its last legs, and now the whole industry is coming together to ask the Government to 'throw us a line.'"

Andy Dockerty, Managing Director of Adlib, comments:- "The events sector has been absolutely devastated by the COVID-19 crisis, and there are few signs of any significant restart in the near future. Without immediate support the entire live events supply chain is at risk of collapse, and some 1 million highly skilled professionals face many more months of financial uncertainty. We need the Government to understand the urgency of the situation, and so we call on industry members to make their voices heard and join us on the evening of 11 August 2020."

1 of the many groups involved is MSP Global Ltd. who are based in Sefton. They have said that they are devastated by the situation and have asked people to:- "use the #WeMakeEvents."

But, it not just the live event industry under threat as well, due to a massive fall in advertising revenues, if you are in the news industry and help put pressure on the UK Government with the #WeMakeTheNews...

Find out more about the arts industry action at:- LightItInRed.Co.UK.

New temporary pavement licence to support Sefton Businesses

SEFTON Council appreciates that the hospitality sector has been particularly hard hit by the restrictions put in place due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As businesses are now starting to re-open, due to limited space and to implement the Government's social distancing measures, many cafes, restaurants and bars may wish to use outdoor seating areas to allow customers to safely sit and eat and drink The Council have adopted a new temporary pavement licence process, a streamlined consent route to allow businesses to obtain a licence to place temporary furniture, such as tables and chairs, outside cafes, bars and restaurants quickly and for a fee of no more than £100.00. The temporary measures can be extended up to the end of September 2021, with no requirement for planning permission during this period. The measures also provide automatic extensions to the terms of on sales alcohol licences to allow for off sales. Government guidance (Business and Planning Bill 2020) can be read on the .Gov.UK website

Cllr John Fairclough, Sefton Council's Cabinet Member for Locality Services said:- "In response to new Government legislation, the Council have adopted a Pavement Café Policy to Support local businesses as they recover from this Pandemic. These new 'pavement licences' will allow businesses selling food and drink to obtain permission to place tables and chairs on the public highway outside their premises, whilst still having regards for all users of the highway, especially those with disabilities. These measures will help ease some of the legislative requirements concerning planning and licensing, while social distancing guidelines remain in place. It's important the we can support Sefton businesses as we want our high street to bounce back from the effects Coronavirus. For more information on the application and how to apply visit:- Sefton.Gov.UK."

LGA responds to carers UK report on need for more support for carers
RESPONDING to a Carers UK report on how 2 in 3 employers say more support from care services are needed to keep staff in work and the need for greater investment in and reform of adult social care, Cllr Ian Hudspeth, Chairman of the Local Government Association’s Community Wellbeing Board, said:- "Every part of the care and support sector is under intense pressure due to the current crisis and Councils are doing all they can to support carers and those they care for through this. Our care system could not survive without the contribution of unpaid carers, who provide vital support for thousands of people every day. Councils fully recognise their crucial role and assess and support hundreds of thousands of carers every year, but could do even more with the right resources. We know that caring can place a real strain on carers; emotionally, physically and financially, especially during this pandemic, which is why Councils are committed to doing all they can to support them. Social care deserves parity of esteem with the NHS. This needs to be backed up by a genuine, long term and sustainable funding settlement for adult social care, which we have been calling for long before the current crisis. We look forward to the beginning of promised cross party talks on the future of adult social care, as soon as possible."

Total UK cases COVID-19 cases in and around Liverpool City Region

DUE to technical difficulties with the data from  Public Health England and NHSX, we are told that:- "This data will not be updated until . Public Health England are sorry for any inconvenience this might course."

Previous 24hr Data

Published weekly, as normal...
here to see it!

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