Liverpool City Region COVID-19 Updates - 2020-08-13

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Liverpool City Region COVID-19 Updates
... & Important Emergency Notices ...

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This page last updated on 13 August 2020

Day trippers asked to plan ahead during the Summer Holidays

FOR many, summer usually means family holidays, but COVID-19 has complicated things this year. With staycation becoming the norm, more and more people are heading out on day trips or mini UK breaks. But, we all must still remember to follow the guidelines, we know that outdoors is generally safer than indoors, social distancing is key, cleaning and sanitising hands can mitigate risk and we must be wearing masks when we're on public transport or in shops and visitor attractions.

It's also key to think ahead and plan your journey, as we know the good weather sees more people heading to the beauty spots around the borough, but this can also lead to increased:- traffic, parking nightmares and long delays for everyone. So, if you're intending to visit the areas, then please check your local Radio Stations for Traffic Updates and follow Sefton Council's social media channels for status of local car parks and traffic alerts.

So why not think about alternative ways to get here?

Merseyrail said:- "We have an excellent rail service along the Sefton Coast. The Merseyrail Northern Line runs every 15 minutes in both directions between Liverpool and Southport and with many of our visitor attractions within a short walk away, it couldn't be easier."

But remember when travelling on public transport too:-

Keep a safe distance from your fellow passengers on train services; your personal space has never been more important.
don't leave home without your face masks; as they are now mandatory at Stations and on public transport; and dispose of it correctly in a bin.

►  Don't carry open bottles of alcohol on trains or at Stations; remember the Merseyrail network is an alcohol free zone. 

Respect rail staff and other passengers. We won't tolerate anti social behaviour of any kind. Just text:- 61016 or call:- 0800405040 if you need help or you see something that needs reporting.

Sefton is also served by several bus service providers, from Merseytravel, Arriva and Stagecoach, so why not give the bus a try! But don't forget your face mask.

If you prefer hopping on your bike, there are plenty of different cycle routes with varying difficulty ratings and distances...

If you don't want to travel with your bikes, you can hire them at both the Eco Visitor Centre and Southport Train Station.

Don't forget that on the Merseyrail network you can take your bike along for free, without pre-booking, making your journey choice even easier. As lots of these cycling routes can be accessed from railway Stations too.

Peter Moore, Head of Highways and Public Protection said:- "With the easing of lockdown restrictions, we have seen more vehicles returning to our roads. We want to remind everyone to plan their journey or to think about whether you even need to make your journey by car, as there are many different ways to get to our visitor attractions. But, if you do need to drive, drive safely and consider other road users and local residents. There are more walkers and cyclists around and we're trying to improve road space to support people who are choosing active travel on their return to work as well as for daily exercise."

For walking and cycling routes and guide visit:- ActiveTravelSefton.Co.UK or for public transport information visit:- MerseyTravel.Gov.UK.

Bill Esterson MP responds to ALevel results

SEFTON Central MP Bill Esterson has said:- "Congratulations to everyone who achieved your expected ALevel grades. It must be a tremendous relief in this most difficult of years. But, many students have been marked down and for any constituents who want help in appealing, my staff will try to help if you email me on:- Bill.Esterson.MP@Parliament.UK. It's been a challenging year for students, made harder by the confusing process. The Conservative Government's handling of exams has been a fiasco. I am calling on ministers to sort out the mess and address the injustice of grade suppression experienced by so many students today. Meantime my staff and I will do what we can to try to help."

Liverpool City Region Combined Authority joins the Wellbeing Economy Alliance

METRO Mayor Steve Rotheram has announced that Liverpool City Region Combined Authority is the 1st Governmental body in the world to join the Wellbeing Economy Alliance (WEAll). The worldwide alliance currently comprises academic and thought leadership organisations and seeks to ensure that the economy prioritises shared wellbeing and a healthy planet. Over the last year Liverpool City Region has been working with the alliance and has been inspired by the wealth of ideas from its members.

The announcement of Liverpool City Region's membership follows the release of its economic recovery plan, Building Back Better. The plan provides a blueprint for how the City Region will recover economically from the Covid-19 pandemic by building an economy that is globally competitive, environmentally responsible and socially inclusive.

The plan has four key themes; the business ecosystem, people focused recovery, place, and a green recovery; and includes proposals for a ​₤1.4bn investment from Government that would unlock ₤8.8bn worth of projects and create more than 120,000 jobs. This includes the Mersey Tidal Power project, which can contribute to the UK's long term sustainable energy mix, while creating employment for thousands.

Metro Mayor of the Liverpool City Region Steve Rotheram said:-
"When I said that there was no going back to normal after the crisis, I meant it. That means building a society that focuses on the 5 Es: employment, the environment, the eco system, the economy and essential workers. I want the Liverpool City Region to be the most inclusive, fair and socially just economy in the country. Our economic recovery plan lays out how we'll do that and I'm proud that we are is the first Governmental body in the world to join the Wellbeing Economy Alliance (WEAll). I look forward to working with them, sharing ideas from all over the world and making Liverpool City Region a model of how we can make the economy work for people, and not the other way round. Working with WEAll will inform how we truly reshape and renew our economy. The wellbeing of our people and our communities will be the real measure of our success as we emerge from this crisis."

Katherine Trebeck, Advocacy and Influencing Lead, Wellbeing Economy Alliance:-
"The role of Government in transforming how our economies operate cannot be underestimated. So Governments at all levels are natural partners for the wellbeing economy movement. WEAll is thrilled to welcome the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority as a member of our diverse network. WEAll is excited to learn from them, connect them with our members, and amplify their pioneering work, which demonstrates that a wellbeing economy is not just what is needed, but with political will, it is entirely possible."

Summer food programme

SEFTON Council and its partners is once again leading the way in providing food to Schoolchildren in need throughout the summer holidays. This is the 5th year that Sefton Council and Sefton Council For Voluntary Services (Sefton CVS) have provided meals to those Schoolchildren who are most in need of additional hot meals throughout the borough. This year families that would not normally receive free School Meals, but may have been furloughed or lost their jobs during the Covid-19 pandemic are also being supported by the scheme. Over 5 thousand meals, in the form of takeaway packed lunches, are served during the scheme, which helps support families across Sefton who are most in need of help, allowing them to end a reliance on School Meals to help nourish their children. Sefton Council is again working in partnership with Sefton Council for Voluntary Service (CVS) to co-ordinate additional access to food with local Voluntary, Community and Faith (VCF) sector organisations across the borough.

Cllr Trish Hardy, Sefton Council's Cabinet Member for Communities and Housing said:- "This is always a very important service to provide and once again we are able to help people who would otherwise struggle to put food on the table. We have had families tell us that without this service, they would have to miss paying bills to accommodate the extra cost of feeding their children during those summer months. Sadly there is a need for schemes such as the Access To Food Programme and we are delighted that we are once again able to help and support those families that are most in need within our communities."

Angela White, Chief Executive of Sefton CVS said:- "We understand that the summer holidays can be an extremely challenging time for some families. We are pleased to be working alongside Sefton Council to offer a coordinated response to meet the needs of our local communities."

Total UK cases COVID-19 cases in and around Liverpool City Region

THE total UK daily number of lab-confirmed positive test results:- 1,009. The total overall UK lab-confirmed positive test results:- 313,798. Daily number of COVID-19 associated UK fatalities added to the total, was sadly reported to be:- 18, with the total number of deaths of people who have had a positive test result now standing at:- 41,347. In England, there are a total of:- 270,971 confirmed cases since the outbreak. North West - total of:- 48,919 confirmed cases. The number of COVID-19 patients currently in UK Hospitals:- 1,001. The current number of COVID-19 patients currently in mechanical ventilation beds in UK Hospitals:- 80. Daily number of COVID-patients admitted to UK Hospitals:- 129. Due to new UK Government system of reporting we are having to sort out a new system to bring you the local area results, for the Liverpool City Region and surrounding areas.

PLEASE NOTE:- Public Health England and NHSX have again said that:- "We have not received the latest data for cases and tests in England. We will update today's records as soon as they become available. The reporting of deaths is being re–developed for public and media access."

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