- NEARLY half of parents do not know that the Coastguard is an emergency service and like the Police, Fire Brigade and Ambulance can be called by dialling 999 according to a Survey undertaken by the Maritime and Coastguard Agency.
Despite a 19 per cent increase in the number of people needing rescuing or assistance at the seaside in 2003, the MCA survey reveals that over half of parents interviewed would not call 999 and ask for the Coastguard if they saw someone in difficulty in the sea.
Worryingly, if they saw someone in difficulty in the sea, a quarter of those interviewed would put their own life in danger by trying to save them themselves, rather than calling for assistance. John Astbury of the MCA said:-
"This might be the instinctive thing to do for many people but this is the worst course of action they could take.
They are not only putting the life of the person they are trying to rescue in danger but also their own."
The MCA, which promotes sea and beach safety to parents of young children to reduce the large number of preventable accidents and deaths on our coastline every year, is urging parents to make sure that they and their children know what to do if the unexpected happens while at the beach.
Last year's summer temperatures soared to a record of 38.1C, attracting flocks of Britons to the seaside, with many resorts fully booked up and beaches 'crammed to capacity' across the south coast and a similar summer is expected this year.
THIS week we are at the Formby Festival… it is running on the 3 and 4 July and then on the 9, 10 and 11 July. Free concerts in the Open Air Theatre by day as well as Romans on the 3, 10 and 11 July. Silcocks Fun Fair on the 3 July and 10 July Car boot Sale on the 11 July. Police Dog Displays and other Police Displays, Bar, Microlight Display, Crafts, Side Shows and lots more….
Visit www.formbyfestival.org for Evening theatre information… Tickets available from Monday to Friday from our offices in Post Office Ave. Southport.

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Job Vacancy
Clerical Administrative Assistant (SALARY £4.75P/H) for C. S. L. on Kew Retail Park.
C.S.L. currently is seeking a dynamic individual for a new vacant post in the clerical department of our Southport Located office.
Applicants must be computer literate with a pleasant phone manner. Also there is an essential requirement of being able to operate within a teamwork environment with the applicant showing competent organisational skills.
Duties:- Customer Support of stock management. Daily administrative duties.
Online Finance Agreements
Closing Date for applications is Monday
28 June 2004. For an application form telephone Mark Gerard:- 0870 1203 506.
This vacancy is open for full and part time applicants.
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