City Council holds civic vigil for the tsunami victims

Photographs by
Patrick Trollope.
MORE than 200 people of all faiths united in Liverpool on Wednesday 12 January 2005 for a special vigil in memory of the victims of the Asian tsunami.
The Lord Mayors of the five Merseyside boroughs joined faith leaders and community organisations at Liverpool Town Hall.
A number of representatives of the countries affected by the disaster attended. Guests join in a common prayer for all those who have suffered.
The Lord Mayor of Liverpool, Councillor Frank Roderick, said:- "We are coming together as one in this great hour of need for the people of South East Asia.
Together, we can offer our thoughts and prayers to all those who are suffering, and state publicly that Liverpool people of all faiths will continue to work together to offer our help and support."
Dr Shiv Pande, secretary of the Indo-British Association, who organised the event said:-
"There has been so much devastation and heavy loss of life in South East Asia. It's impossible to sit quietly and watch, and Liverpool certainly won't.
We will do all we can to help those affected by this disaster. This is a way for of Liverpool's citizens to tell those people that they will never walk alone."
The vigil was held from 5.30 to 6.30pm on Wednesday 12 January. Special messages from the affected countries where read out during the event, and pupils from Notre Dame High school lead the guests in song.
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