Shop Nearly Ready To Re-Open
Photograph by
Patrick Trollope

"IT is
been hard, but we said we will be back and we soon
will." Were the words from the Sandgrinder
staff, who have fort to reopen after a devastating fire gutted the
well know landmark and fish and chip shop on Neville St, in
Southport. For fill story read next weeks
MediaWise backs the Right of Reply and Press Standards Bill
- IN a statement in support to the Right of Reply and Press Standards Bill produced by Peter Bradley MP with cross party support, MediaWise Director Mike Jempson said:-
"Having a Right of Reply on the statute book would keep editors on their toes. They have nothing to fear if they demand fairness and accuracy of their reporters, acknowledge when mistakes are made, and allow appropriate redress, swiftly and prominently.
Throughout Europe citizens have a right to demand a fair opportunity to reply to inaccurate or unfair representation of their circumstances or opinions in the print media. The concept of this right is acknowledged within media self-regulation and statutory regulation in the UK, and in most journalistic Codes of Conduct.
However, citizens who believe they have been wronged here, are regarded as supplicants rather than as equals. This Bill acknowledges that press freedom is a responsibility exercised by journalists on behalf of the public, which is one of our founding principles.
There would be no need for legislation if all newspapers were willing to set the record straight promptly and prominently when the inevitable, occasional mistakes occur. The problem gets worse when editorialising in news stories leads to confusion between fact and conjecture.
We welcome the opportunity this Bill brings for public debate about accountability and accuracy in press reporting. The right of reply is a democratic issue. The press are free to print without fear of
favour, but there must be adequate systems of instant redress, which appear to be beyond the scope of Press Complaints Commission procedures."
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- Editors note:-
fully support the Media Wise campaign and remember our readers
that with us, you have the same right of reply as any traditional
media outlet. So if you have any think you want to say,
email us or phone us. Also you have access to the
Pres Complaints Commotion (PCC), online a lot of internet sites.