Merseyside student wins top sports leadership prize

JOSEPH Green from Cardinal Heenan High School,
Liverpool, has won a once in a lifetime working trip to Hampden
Academy in Maine, USA, where he will be able to build on the
leadership and volunteering skills developed at the Step into
Sport Residential Camp from Monday 21 to Thursday 24 March 2005.
Joseph won the fantastic prize at the four day Camp
organised by the Youth Sport Trust for 16 to 19 year olds at
Loughborough University. Over 450 young people from across the
country attended and Joseph was one of only four students chosen
to travel to the Hampden Academy for showing outstanding
leadership skills, commitment and enthusiasm.
Joseph Green (second from the right) is shown
celebrating his achievement with Nick Gillingham (centre), double
Olympic medallist swimmer, along with the three other winners.
will get your vote?

YES the
first week is nearly up for the Southport Night Life 2005
Vote. But you still have lots of time to cast your
vote. Building on the success of previous our years, we
decided to team up with the Champion this year to find out what
the bet pubs and night clubs are in Southport.
This is your
chance to show the rest of the world what you think of Southport's
Night Life.
All you have to do is vote for the best club or
pub in the Town Center via printing off one of our voting slips
from this site or cutting out them out of the
Champion. We have 5 categories to choose from.
The rules are as follows:-
Only official voting slips may be used
Comments must not be placed on slips
(de-faced forms will be scrapped)
Vote boxes will be opened by staff from The
Champion and/or Southport Reporter.
The editor’s decision is final.
You can vote right up to May 6.
Yes that is the day after the general
read last weeks report on the competition click here.
or to get a vote form see below.