chaos in town?
What problems? Just a small reminder that special buses are running in place of the train
service, from station to station in the affected areas. After
the completion of the Formby Bypass Work the traffic problems
that first hit have now subsided. Railtrack has confirmed
that they are on schedule with the construction work of the
first part of the track renewal program and will be finished
on time.Only
one side has been laid as the other track is needed to allow
trains carrying ballast and tracks to run and that is why they
have only done one side. A spokes man said "We
are on schedule and are working to minimize problems for commuters
and this new track will make the line run more efficiently."
Above Work being carried
out on lines over night at 3:15am.
TK Maxx
Award for a Large Store.
We would like to thank all the
readers who sent us your emails in to tell us who you think where
the best stores.
Max Spielmann's came 2nd place for Large
Stores. Small Store will be announced next week.