Photographs by Patrick
Trollope Report By Dionne

THE Southport Flower Show
attracts over 10,000 visitors each year, and is the UK
independent flower show. It first started in 1924 it stands
in 34 acres of Victorian Park close to the town next to the
seaside. The theme for this year’s Flower Show was
"The World of Travel". Set over 4 days, 18 August to
21 August, it had everything you could imagine or think of
for gardening. There was a huge selection of exhibits,
gardening, gadgets, accessories and sculptures.
The Southport Flower show this year had everything for you
to add style and comfort and even the unusual to life in the
What ever you need there is something for everyone, if you
where looking for a gift there was a huge selection in the
Rural Arts tent together with floral displays,
demonstrations and practical advice. The show which
sponsored the RNLI this year has again been a great success.
When asked about the show here is what a few of the public
had to say. ”I enjoy visiting the stalls with all the
handcrafted things as it has stuff you could not buy from a
normal everyday Garden Centre” said Mr and Mrs
Lawton from Birkenhead. People come from everywhere to enjoy
the flower show, and even treat it as a holiday. “I
usually stay for 2 days in Southport as it is so huge with a
lot to see, we can take our time to enjoy everything”
commented Mr Walton from South Wales.
There where also a huge array of celebrities attending, from
David Dickinson, who opened the show from the bandstand to
Roddy Llewellyn, Tyrone Dobbs (Allan Halsall) and Maria
Sutherland (Samia Ghadie) from Coronation Street, who
accepted a red rose which is named after Coronation Street.
Prof David Belamy was also there to judge and help the
Brownies and Cubs, both of them from Ainsdale, design a
garden after they beat 700 other entries for the
competition. They where both given 1˝ hour to complete the
garden which they designed by themselves, before David
Belamy announced the winner.... find out what happened
next week...
More photographs and a full round up follows in next weeks
issue. Click below to see a taste of next weeks
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Happy 30th Birthday, Sam from your husband Keith Tracy
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us by emailing us to:-
PLEASE make a note of our
Open Day to be held on 3 September 2005 from 1300hrs to 1600hrs.
The event will have all types of displays that will interest
young and old as well as a tour of the main radio room
(if no emergencys are being dealt with),
not forgetting, competitions and games, even a chance to learn
more about keeping safe at see and also on the beach. |