OVER the last 2 weeks
we have been hard at work getting a show
ready that will go down in the history of Southport... Yes, if you
did not know already, we are putting on a rock night on with
the help of the Southport Champion, at Southport's Number One venue,
Havana, in aid of the Southport Christmas Lights Campaign. If
you are going, get ready to see the town rocked by not just
fantastic band, but 5.... yes you read it correctly, 5
bands on 1 amazing night! The 21 October 2005.
So far as you will know we have the Southport band Abe who where
the support for Status Quo at this years Liverpool Pops.
You also know we have Southport's
Revolution and also Post Haste, but we have just got 2 more to
add to the line up.... These 2 bands are set to have
national releases next year. If you get to the gig at
Havana, who knows what tales you can tell your grand kids!
Above NG26.
One of the 2 is Liverpool based band, Gorilla Farm and the other is NG26, who have slotted us in
at the end of a tour of the UK. The band is well on its way
to having a full national release in middle of next year
(2006), after they signed
a large deal with Liverpool based LBM Records and also a
deal Chromium Records. To find
out a bit more about NG26, log onto
Well if the bands still don't get you in the mood; take a
look outside. At the club, not only will a
VIP’s car going to be parked up, (VIP yet to be revealed), but also a Monster
Truck. Yes a Monster Truck thanks to
alladstrader.com! All the lads and lasses entering
will get the chance to win a ride along Lord Street, in the
truck that very night! We also have other things going on to keep
you rocking on through the night... more next week! Well we
can’t spoil the build up now, can we?

If you want tickets, you can get them from us via calling
into our office at 4a Post Office Ave, Southport or by
sending a cheque into the Southport Champion, Clare House,
166 Lord Street, Southport, PR9 0QA, but allow 7 days for
delivery, if you pick the mail option.
Tickets cost just £3.00 in advance or £5 on the night. The
event is in aid of the Southport Christmas Lights Campaign,
so not only will you have fun, you will also be helping
Event organised by both the
Champion Newspaper Group and Southport Reporter.