takes on the theme of Medieval
Life in England.
- Coming soon to the Pinewoods in
Formby. Like the event of 2000
when a re-enactment group invaded the dunes of Formby Point and
the village, this year the Millennium Committee is setting out to
do the same again!
- "Escafield", a medieval re-enactment group, will provide tournaments
- hand to hand combat, mediaeval dances, archery and children's games in a 2.5 hours show each afternoon.
With the financial help of local businesses and some national businesses
who are featured in on our site's Formby Arts Festival Role of Honor,
also in the Formby Times and on Formby-Online's site, should see
this years calibrations of the Queens Golden Jubilee and the lead up to the Commonwealth Games
become a week to remember. The week starts on Saturday 6th
and ends on the 13th July with the long awaited Arts and Culture festival in the Pinewoods.
- The opening
Saturday's festival kicks off within Formby village.
The Event will see Chapel Lane (the hart of the village)
transformed into a Medieval Frye, with Mummers, Morris Dancers, Dancing Bears, Jugglers, Jesters, Magicians, Devils, Angels, Madrigal Singers.
Even Queen Elizabeth 1st will be their opening the festival with a
blessing! The event will then see Knights on Horseback
riding through and will issue challenges to be taken up in a Tournament later on Saturday afternoon and on Sunday afternoon on the activities' field at Lifeboat Road
preformed by Escafield, a mediaeval re-enactment group from Sheffield.
Lifeboat Road will have a hole host of craft-stalls, living history, woodturning, leather working, excerpts from 'As You Like It' and a George and the Dragon play, complete with Mediaeval dances and children's games.
If that was not enough to wet your appetite well think again as
their will also be swings, roundabouts and then to make it even
more fun the famous little train from the Southport Model Engineers Club, will provide rides for younger children on
- If you wish
to book a stall please email us now with your details at davkar@tiscali.co.uk
- Through out the week!
- musical concerts
- Well just to say the famous
name in Jazz "Humphrey Lyttelton," would
not wake you up, we have more top acts to come...
like ABBA UK and Reckless. They will be performing in the outdoor theatre
adjacent to the fighting Lifeboat
Road. During the weekday afternoons schools from throughout Sefton will entertain with a Eisteddfod. The afternoon Eisteddfod will be free so just come along and enjoy.
The festival will finish with a grand finale on Saturday 13th July when the Historic Formby Hall will be open to the public for a garden party. This will be a garden party including music and theatrical entertainment, with Tombola and stalls, wine and strawberries.
For entrance fees and tickets click here. Tickets are strictly limited. There will be ample parking.
- keep an eye on this site for
more information!
- for more information.
- Additional:-
- Got
back to the Top
of the page.
Arts Festival Concert Ticket Prices.
opposite supplied by
Humphrey Littleton.
Interest info about him:- started his band over fifty years ago and since 1948 it
has been in the forefront of British Jazz. In 1983 he founded Calligraph
Swing Shift Big Band
Saturday 6th July |
£5.00 |
£4.00 |
Humphrey Lyttelton
Sunday 7th July |
£12.00 |
£10.00 |
Monday 8th July |
£5.00 |
£4.00 |
Folk in the Pinewoods
Tuesday 9th July |
£5.00 |
£4.00 |
Wednesday 10th July |
£5.00 |
£4.00 |
Sefton Youth Brass Band
Thursday 11th July |
£5.00 |
£4.00 |
Pirates of Penzance
Friday 12th July |
£5.00 |
£4.00 |
Saturday 13th July |
£8.00 |
£7.00 |
Formby Hall Garden Party
Saturday 13th July |
Adult ticket
£10.00 - Family ticket TBA |
- All of the performances will start at 7.30pm and aim to finish
at 10.30pm.
As with the event of 2000, tickets are for the seating stand and for the
grassed area around the stage.
Tickets for all events will be available from the Pool Project
shop in Formby village or by phone on Formby 01704-877311.
Tickets are limited
and may be obtained by calling into the shop, phoning the above number or
through the Formby Times Office at Elbow Lane Formby, phone 01704 872237 or
Email us at:- tickets-2001@pcbtphoptography.co.uk
opposite is a group called Reckless who are a young trio performing a
wide variety of popular hits from
the 1960's up to the present day. Pic. used with thanks from group.
Arts Festival 2002 ROLL OF HONOR.
- This year's festival
in Formby is well underway now. Sponsors of the
festival so far are:-
Formby Times, Alliance & Leicester, In House, Shorrocks Hill
Country Club, McDougall's Chemist, Formby Health Food Store, Boots, Re-Aqua (at
Just Beauty), Byrne's & Son, Maxwell Entwistle & Byrne,
H.D. Vince Ltd., Ekaton Ltd., Brough Butchers, Alan Rumph & Co.,
Waterfields, Lloyds TSB, Backhouse, Trimmers, A.B. Lewis Ltd, AC
Greeting cards, Colette Gunter Ltd, Animals in Need, Mr. Mint, Global
Video rentals, Formby-Online
& Derbyshires.
to main page!