Spring Garden Festival!
Southport CPS
dressed in cat costumes to raise money for the local group.

Southport Cats Protection Shelter is in Crisis. We have been a
part of the Southport Landscape for over ten years, serving
the town and surrounding areas. The constant stream of Stray,
abandoned and neglected cats and kittens on our streets are
our constant concern. We at the shelter try to provide loving
homes for those who come to us. But, all this requires funds
and these are fast drying up. Fund raising is our No.1
concern. To enable us remain open and available to the needs
of Southport and its unwanted army of cats and kittens. The
many and varied services we provide go un-noticed by the
public like our Neutering Policy, we provide vouchers for
those who can least afford to have this vital surgery
performed which prevents unwanted
kittens. The Lost and Found data-base re-unites and re-homes
hundreds of cats and kittens to the relief of worried owners.
All this will end if we are to close due to a lack of funds.
We are begging you to help us go on providing this vital
service for the least amongst us." Kerry Blair
told us.

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