Clean Up!
Most people moan and grown about the grot
around the town. I my self also have to say I
don't like it. What happened on Saturday before kick
off was a military style operation mounted by the Formby
Times, local councilors, the youth council (Formby) and
local volunteers to attack the GROT SPOTS! I have to
say my hats off to all who helped and a very big well done
to the organizational skills of the volunteers who turned
up. Also I have to say a very big congratulations and
a good job well done to our counterparts at the Formby
Times. Formby has now got a bit cleaner!

Times staff above and the other volentears planning the
exhasise to target the places the council does not clean!

Map and Person
Power! The you council and Councilor Barry Griffins.

Barry Griffins loads up the rubbish collected into his car!

Even the
Rangers lent a hand!