of us at Southport Reporter would like to pass on our deepest
sympathies for the victims families.
- Merseyside
Police have issued us with this
- press statement.
- "Merseyside
Police has launched a murder inquiry in Southport into
the deaths of two Hayton men, 36 year old Paul Hagan,
and 40 year old Francis Perry.
- Mr
Hagan, who has a partner who is five months pregnant
and is the father of three other children, and Mr
Perry, had both suffered serious head injuries.
The bodies
o the two men were found in a ground floor flat number 1, at
6 Derby Road, Southport, at around 7:30am yesterday
(Wednesday 18 June).
The two men
are believed to have spent Tuesday afternoon and evening
visiting pubs in Southport town center with a friend who is
the occupant of the flat on Derby Road where the men were
found. The three men were also with two women, one of
whom lives in the flats, an her friend.
The men
were separated from the occupant of the flat, but returned
to Derby Road in the early hours of the morning,
possibly around 12:30pm. Local residents have reported
hearing noises and shouting during the night, which may be
connected to the incident.
The men are
believed to have been killed some time during the early
hours of the morning, perhaps between 2am and 4am. The
occupant of the flat returned at around 7:30am the following
morning, and found the men lying near to the sofa in the
main room of the bedsit-type flat.
Dr. Brian
Rodgera, the Home Office Pathologist, has conducted
post-mortems which revealed both died from severe head
injuries, possibly caused by a blunt instrument.
Detectives have also confirmed that one of the men also had
injuries consistent with having defended himself. A
baseball bat has been recovered from the scene and is being
forensically examined.
Superintendent John Kerruiah, who is leading the inquiry, is
keeping an open mind about the motive. Officers are
today speaking with family and friends of the two men, in a
bid to build a picture of their movements the evening before
they died, but have appealed foe anyone who might know the
men or have connection to the flats on Derby Road to come

The victims
photographs above Francis Perry & Paul Hagan.
Superintendent Kerruish said "This is an
absolutely tragic waste of life. These me were the victims
of a frenzied attack, and I would urge anyone who can help
us find those responsible to come forward. We have spoken
to both women and the occupant of the flat where the men
were found, but we believe that there may have been others
out with the group during the evening, which concluded in
Waverley's Bar in Southport. I would appeal for those
people, or anyone who can help us build up a picture of Mr
Hagan and Mr Perry's movements during the night, to speech
to us. We need to find out where they might have been,
and who they might have spoken with. We also
have reports of noise from the flat during the early hours,
and there were possibly cars coming and going at that
time. Again, I would ask anyone who saw or heard
anything suspicious in the Derby Road area to contact us. We
have spoken to other occupants of the flats at 6 Darby
Road, but we need to make sure we have spoken to everyone
who lives in the flats, or who might have visited there
recently. At this time, I am open-minded about the
motive. I can't rule out the possibility that there
was only on offender, but my experience tells me that there
might have been two or more people responsible. I urge
anyone with information to contact us at the Incident Room
at Southport on 0151 777 3573 or call Crimestoppers
anonymously on 0800 55 11.""
by Phil.
Incident Room
at Southport
0151 777 3573