Star Trek
Ladies Night Walk

BRAVING a cold and
windy night, over a thousand ladies headed out for a midnight
walk from the Eco Centre, by Victoria Park in Southport, to
raise funds for
Queenscourt Hospice, Southport.
The event started at around 10pm on Friday, 11 May 2012, but
unlike previous years, this event had not one route, but 2
routes. The short 7 mile walk was extremely popular and most
took part via that option, but we headed over to capture on
camera the women, of all ages, walking through Southport, down
Lord Street at Midnight!
To see the photographs please
click on
here to see our
photographic coverage.
The routes were well
marshalled along the way by volunteers Southport Superbikes,
Morrisons, the Rotary Club, Plantec Holidays and a host of other
groups and businesses. As you can see local support was
fantastic and Southport's Starbucks gave participants a welcome
free warm drink and free food to those who braved the late
night, 11 mile walk. The event was also helped to run safely and
smoothly with the thanks to Merseyside Police and the amateur
radio operators from Southport & District
Raynet Group.
This female only
walk is one of the
main fund to raising events for the local hospice, but they
still need your support and are looking for other ways to raise
funds. So if you can help them to make the differance,
please do contact Brian, Carolyn or Ash on:- 01704 517 420 and
let them know about your idea.
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you have someone you want to say happy birthday to, for
use the email address below to send
us the names
you want us say
happy birthday to, and/or a photograph.
us today! |
08447 402 038
2 Years Parts & Labour Worranty |
This Weeks Edition -
Audio Copy
to hear this weeks edition in
audio format. Please let us know
what you think about it. via emailing
us. Also if you have a child who
can draw a face, send one in and we will
look at using it for our news reader for
an edition. Adults can try as well!
You will get a copy of the animation
sent to you and credit on the
animation as well!. |