Katie Price
Book Signing in WHSmith Southport
THE celebrity Katie was
on the road again for two book signings in the Merseyside area,
on Sunday, 24 June 2012. The night before she had been out in
Liverpool Partying, at Newz Bar. The following day she was out
again on and calling into Birkenhead (link) for the first of the
2 signings and then into WH Smith's in Southport for the last
one of the day. Despite running very late, on the way into
Southport, she quick popped into McDonalds and tweeted to keep
fans up-to-date. Outside and inside fans had waited for hours
for her arrival, and some had come from as far as the West
Midlands and North Yorkshire for the signing, so it was
interesting to see the reaction when she arrived. A loud chant
of Katie, Katie, Katie started and then as she stepped in to the
shop on the second floor, a huge cheer erupted. Even after a
long night partying and the huge book signing in Birkenhead, she
quickly ploughed though the mass of fans who had been waiting
for most of the afternoon at the Southport shop. She stopped to
chat quickly to them all as well as signing their books. All who
attended the signing said how amazingly nice and friendly she
was and we also got the chance to quickly ask a few questions at
the end. "I am so please at the turn out. Also I do love
the area. What is a huge bonus is that the fans are so friendly
and supportive to me here." she told us. We were also
surprised as to how well she treated the staff and security,
even saying a big "thank you" to them at the end.
Not what you tend to see written about her in the national
papers! Despite the large queue of people outside and inside,
all who got books signed came away smiling, from what we saw,
some even left so happy they cried! Did you attend? Let us know
what your thoughts are of the signing? Email:-
and let us know! To see more photos photographs taken at the
signing, please click on here now!
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