- Fire Strike!
A SETTLEMENT between the fire fighters and
government as the last hours of the 8 day strike comes to a close now seems
to be further away than ever. A Southport Firefighter sad to
us "We are disheartened by the treatment we are receiving at
the hands of the government. We do not want to strike, but we do
feel that if we do not, then we will not get the chance again to stand up and be
counted. We will strike now until we get what we want.
We will not sit back any more and let the Government continue on its present
path." Formby fire fighters
were also in a similar mood, putting on a brave face, but knowing they
face a up hill struggle and one they did not want to get into.
It is only a few days off before another 8 day strike and their does not
seem to be any light at the end of the tunnel.


WAS given a seasonal sparkle as the lights came on, on
Thursday, 28 November. It was thanks to the Formby Champion
and with alot of effort given by Peter
Dunne, the Formby Traders Association and Lights Co-coordinator, all
of whom made this year's Formby's Christmas Lights better than
ever. TV personality, John Parrott, who lives in the
Formby was the man who officially switched on the lights to a packed out
village. With around 2 thousand people enjoying entertainment given
by the "Churches
Together" choir, the Dune FM Roadshow,
Not forgetting the most famous guest of honor on
the Formby Rotary Club's
Wagon..... Father Christmas! Shops
in Formby Village opened late, and Brough Butchers were cooking hot
baguettes on a large frying pan!

If you missed it do not
Forget that Radio
City presenter, Pete Price, and Liverpool's best known comedian, Mickey
Finn will be turning on the Lights in Hightown on Saturday the 30
November. Not forgetting on the 7 December is the Formby
Dickensian day! Click
here for more information.