Christmas Lights 2013!
Photographs by Patrick Trollope.

Formby Village Centre was transformed into an amazing winter
wonderland, with stalls, rides and live music, at what was the
first full day Christmas Lights Switch On. The organiser, Pat
Wordley, and the new team have been highly praised for this
event which has replaced the Dickensian Day. The attractions
included Father Christmas and live music, with the thanks of the
Mersey Cats. One of the biggest attractions that you can see all
through the festive season is a giant snowman the traffic island
at the War Memorial end of Chapel Lane. The lights are amazing
and well worth a look, if passing though the village at night.
Also please do call in to the businesses and also the many cafes
and bars, like Woodwoods. Unlike most places, Formby this year
chose to have full community participation and no celebrities
turning on the lights. Instead as it was focused on the
community, the group chose local history author Joan Rimmer
together with local resident Ann Batchelor, along with 3 young
helpers, to turn on the lights.

Please take a look at
our photographs
we have taken at this event, by click on
here now,
to see what it was like. Also a bit of video is
attached to this report as well! Also
if you attended the event please let us know what you thought
about it by emailing us at:-
Don't fall
for the CrytoLocker Scam!

THIS week Barclays' and UK Police forces are reminding the
public and businesses to be on their guard after a massive rise
in phishing scams incidents across the UK. In November a warning
was issued as 'Severe' in UK after a significant
rise in identity fraud cases happening. Now over the last
week, we have been told that Barclays' has seen a significant
rise in fake emails reporting to be from them. At first glance
they do look like they could be, but most carry either a link to
a fake site or in this case, a zip file. A lot of these files
have recently been associated with CryptoLocker ransomware.
Often a fraudster sends out a millions of these emails, that
appear to be from banks and other financial institutions.

Often they
have wording like 'suspicious transaction' or
'invoice for payment' in the subject line. If you
fall for these scams, and it is a CryptoLocker file, then you will
find that the attachment will install a program on your computer. Once
installed, personal files such as, photos, music, office
documents etc. are encrypted and a screen appears with a
countdown timer and a demand for the payment of 2 Bitcoins in
ransom (approximately £536) for the decryption key. This scam is
mainly aimed at small and medium sized businesses as of late.
The UK's NCA's National Cyber Crime Unit (NCCU) says:-
"You should never send the payment of a ransom to criminals as
there is no guarantee that they would honour the payments in any
event." If you think you are a victim, report it to
Fraud on:- 0300 123
2040. Also once a computer becomes infected with any virus
and/or spyware, you must disconnect it from any network, and
seek professional assistance to clean the computer. You should
also always keep backups of all your important files and store
them off your network. Also keep your Antivirus and anti-spyware
software and operating systems updated. But the most important
thing is:- "Never click or download unsolicited email
attachments. Always check before clicking on any email to
see if anything is amiss. If it is - do not click on any links,
attachments or reply to it!" say
Barclays Plc.
B.O.A. 70th Anniversary
video footage we have taken at the 70th BOA events this
year in Liverpool has now been fully edited is available
to buy, on a DVD, from our Online
on Mersey Reporter very soon. For each DVD sold,
£3.00 will go to the Liverpool's Lord Mayor's Charity
Appeal. (Registered Charity No. 229539) At this
stage we can only do UK postage options, but if you are
outside the UK, you can still order copies, but only by
emailing us to:-
with your FULL address and we will get back to you with
a postage cost and a payment link, should you wish to
continue. |
you have someone you want to say happy birthday to, for
then use the email address below to send us the names
you want us say
happy birthday to, and/or a photograph.
us today! |