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Weekly Edition - Published 27 June 2015


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A 16 year old on the Wirral has been as part of a joint investigation with the FBI

ON Friday, 26 June 2015, a 16 year old, living, in Bidston, on the Wirral, UK, was arrested, at 7am, by detectives from 'Titan', as part of a joint investigation with the FBI.

Titan officers, supported by colleagues from Merseyside Police's Wirral Division, executed a warrant under Section 8 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act and carried out a comprehensive search of the property. A number of computers and mobile phones were seized and will be thoroughly examined as part of the joint investigation.

The 16 year old was arrested on suspicion of several offences which officers in Titan and the FBI believe have been committed using Skype, Twitter, MSN Messenger and email. These are said to inclide bomb hoaxes and threats made against schools, media companies, airports and airlines in the United States of America.

According to the Police:- "As a result of information shared with Titan by the FBI following a series of incidents in the United States, between 4 September 2014 and 10 April 2015, a large number of bomb hoax communications were sent by an unknown person to schools and universities in Michigan, as well as airlines and airports in the US. The threats were largely made on Twitter and during a period in January several flights had to be grounded and 2 others escorted by military jets due to threats made on social media. As well as the bomb hoax allegations, the 16 year old will also be spoken to about a series of 壮watting' offences committed by an unknown person against Police Departments and airports in the United States between 29 October 2014 and 26 March 2015."

'Swatting' is a term used to describe malicious phone calls or other communications to law enforcement agencies in the US whereby the offender provides false information about a fictitious threat or incident at a specific location. The common aim is to provoke an armed tactical response from the Police, who often deploy a SWAT team or equivalent to the scene when in fact they are not needed.

Head of Operations at Titan, Detective Superintendent Jason Hudson said:- "This investigation is a prime example of how specialist Police Units here in the UK can work side by side with law enforcement agencies in other countries, such as the US, to tackle a new breed of criminality that is not restricted by any kind of borders. We have acted on intelligence provided by the FBI in relation to their investigations into a large number of threats committed in the US and developed that information to the point where today's arrest has been proportionate and necessary. We are still in the early stages of this investigation and there is still much work to be done. There is a young man who needs to be interviewed by my specialist officers who will be mindful of his age but also the seriousness of the allegations. We have also recovered some computer equipment and mobile phones which we will analyse for evidential purposes and our findings will of course be shared with our partners in the FBI. Their investigation identified some extremely serious threats to institutions and companies which had major implications for these organisations, the individuals who work for them and the wider public. We are committed to working with the FBI and other agencies throughout the world to pool our resources and share the information we have in order to tackle the wealth of cybercrime that is now posing such a risk to the public who we have a duty to protect. Cyber crime can be committed by anyone, anywhere in the world but each offence has a victim and there are serious repercussions for anyone caught being involved in these types of offences. They are not a harmless prank and people need to realise that their behaviour online does not exist in a bubble and has an effect and consequences in the real world. As Titan and other cyber crime units in the UK continue to build our capability, technology and skills to tackle this new threat, we need people and businesses to better protect themselves from online crime by understanding the risks, implementing strong security measures so that they can enjoy the opportunities the Internet now provides us all but without making themselves vulnerable to cyber criminals."

Following the arrest, specialist Titan detectives, from the North West Regional Cybercrime Unit (RCCU) interviewed him about the alleged offences.

Detectives from Titan later in the day confirmed that the 16 year old had then been bailed, pending further enquiries having been questioned.

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