Liverpool Brazilica 2015
Photographs by Patrick Trollope.

THE Liverpool
Festival took place over 17 July to 19 July 2015. The event is the largest
celebration of Brazilian culture in the United Kingdom and held every July,
since 2008. The Samba Carnival Parade is the highlight of the event and this
year it took place on 18 July, retuning to its old route that stared next to
Liverpool University, then snaked its way passed the Metropolitan Cathedral,
Passed the newly rebuilt Everyman Theatre, past St Luke's Church Gardens,
through some of the Cities Club land areas and eventually ending at China City
and finishing under the biggest Chinese Arch in Europe. We filmed some
highlights as the parade danced its way through the route, and took loads of
photographs... so many, we are putting some extra photos into next week's
issue... please email us your views on this event to our newsroom, via:- and let us know what you thought of it.
To see this week's photo and video coverage, please click on
here now!