Young people on Merseyside
say their voice has been heard

YOUNG people who have been campaigning
tirelessly for affordable transport have told Merseytravel and bus operators
that they feel they are being listened to following news that over 90% of buses
in Merseyside are now providing cheaper child fares for all young people aged
Merseytravel is trailblazing nationally by extending the age range of its
special young persons' bus ticket up to, and including, the age of 18, which
started 19 July. It follows Merseytravel Committee members approving plans to
take the MyTicket age eligibility from 5 to 15 to 5 to 18, at the committee
meeting on 24 June 2015.
Commercial operators Arriva and Stagecoach have also confirmed they are raising
the age limit on its young people's products up to and including the age of 18
and will reduce the cash fares for young people too from 19 July 2015. Feedback from
some of the smaller bus operators shows they are also planning to follow suit.
Merseyside will be the 1st area outside of London to extend cheaper travel to
all those 18 and under, whether they are in education or work based training.
To mark this milestone, Merseytravel and bus operators met with a group of young
people who have been committed to working with Merseytravel to see what can be
done to bring the cost of travel down.
16 year old Ciara Brodie, who is studying at Calderstones School, said:-
"The event was very positive and a lot of young people in the city will feel
that they have been listened to; that our voices are valued. We face a lot of
financial pressures and transport is one of those burdens. To know that MyTicket
will go to 18 is brilliant, it means I can now get the bus as it works out so
much cheaper for me as I continue with my education. Merseytravel takes
the time to listen and consult with us, and it was lovely to bring in the bus
operators to talk to us too. It's really important that they continue to do
this. It would be good now to see whether any cheaper fares could be introduced
on the trains."
Stefan Price, 16, is part of the Shout it Out Sefton group, who work with key
decision-makers to ensure Sefton is a better place for young people. They have
listed transport as their number on priority. He said:- "Coming to this
event shows that Merseytravel is committed to bringing young people together
with decision makers to ensure we have a say on local services, which is really
Transport is a top issue for us because it is a lifeline to everything, from
education or work to hobbies and seeing our friends. Making transport cheaper
was one of our biggest asks and it's great to see this is happening. We now want
to work really hard to change the attitudes of people who have misperceptions of
young people causing a nuisance on public transport. We all get tarred with the
same brush when this isn't the case; most young people use public transport
sensibly. Another big ask from us is that transport authorities use social media
more to talk to young people and also use it to answer our questions."

Other young people at the event said the following…
"I would be lost without MyTicket - I wouldn't be able to afford to travel
otherwise," Caitlin Cavanagh.
"Raising the age to 18 will be brilliant for me as I've just enrolled at
Liverpool Media Academy so will be able to get there cheaply," Scott
"This is a great initiative and if they could do something similar for the
trains that would be even better," Becky Wood.
"I used MyTicket loads until I turned 16. I'm made up I'll be able to use
it again as it's so cheap and affordable," Jayne Laura Hughes.

After the event, Merseytravel Chair Cllr Liam Robinson said:-
"It was
fantastic to listen to the views of young people and it's something we want to
do on a regular basis because they are the bus users of the future. It's
encouraging to hear that they are so positive about MyTicket and other
initiatives run by the bus operators; my only message to them now is to use MyTicket and spread the word about it to their friends too.
This isn't the end of the road though; there's a lot to do and while there's no
magic wand I want young people to know we'll do all we can to help."
From the 1 of September, MyTicket will also extend into the Halton Council area.
For more information about MyTicket visit the
website. |