Formby Village Medieval
Market Day 2015
Photographs by Patrick Trollope.

ON Saturday, 26 September 2015, the now
annual Formby Village Medieval Market Day was held at the Formby Guild Hall and
Activity Centre, the night before the "Blood Moon." Ok, not
connected with the timing of the event, but as some of the stands dealt with
myths and legends of old, it was quite good timing! "Formby (or Fornebei
as it should still be called) has had many links to the Viking invaders failed
to defeat the native Anglo-Saxons, but oddly, due to the environment, evidence
is now mostly only with the names of local places only, so for some... its good
to see them return." one of the many re-enactors told us. The event not
only had demonstrations of fighting and metal work, but also food. Plus the UK's
National Hnefatafl Tournament was also held at the event... If you don't know
what that is, it is a type of chess that the Vikings played. These are a few
photos we took, just before the show closed. If you attuned, please do email us
your thoughts and views about this event to:-
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here to see the rest of
the photos in this edition.

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here to see the rest of
the photos in this edition. |