Christmas Lights
in Southport Are Now On!
Photograph by Patrick Trollope.

SOUTHPORT'S Christmas Lights are now officially on, as
we reported in last week's edition. These are some of the photographs we
took at the event, that had X-Factor winner, Sam Bailey pushing the big
button and performing live... This also marked the start of Southport's
Christmas event build up. Over the next few weeks as Christmas and New Year
approaches will see a many amazing activities taking place from the
Christmas Market, ice-skating outside the Town Hall, Both the Fox and Goose
and the Ship and Anchor hosting some amazing live music and entertainment,
including a Cosplay event at the Fox and Goose on the 18 December 2015. Nor
forgetting Vue cinema hosting a very special event for the new Star Wars!
Also on the calendar is the opening of the new War Games store on Lord
Street, Christmas Fairs, a Santa Dash, ending on New Year's Day with The
Fernley Event. Full list of activities so far will be on our Southport
Christmas listings on Monday. This can be accessed by clicking on this link…
If you have any events you want listed, please email us now to:- with the title:- "Southport
Christmas Listings 2015." Plus please check out our
Facebook to see video footage taken at
this event! Also to see our full photographic coverage of this
event, in this weeks issue, please click on
here now! |