No Lights on bikes, an increasing problem

OVER the last 2 months we have been in contact with the Merseyside
Police Commissioner and Merseyside Police about the rising numbers of adults and
kids, on bikes, without lights. Interestingly, we have been sent a copy of a
letter that can be given to children, but as of yet we have had no information
about adults. One shop owner, who does not want to be identified, told us this
week: "The worse time seems to be late at night. I nearly hit a chap in his late
30's or early 40's at 2am! A Police car just drove past and did not even stop
the chap. They could make some revenue and save lives, but they don't appear to
be taking action. Why?". We would like to hear from you, if you have seen people
without lights on the roads and pavements, stating, the time and location. We
will then send this to Merseyside Police for comment. Please email us to:- If you
do not want to be identified, please state that in your email!