Southport Sainsbury's Car Park Crash

ON Hill Street, opposite Southport Sainsbury's Car
Park Exit, 2 cars were involved in a collision, blocking the junction of
Hill Street and Castle Street.
A male and a female, both aged 46, were in
1 of the vehicles, the driver of the other car was a female, aged 57. Fire
crews gave 1st aid and made both vehicles safe. As this happened, shops
praised the efforts of the local traffic wardens who also assisted.
We are told that the fire crews gave
oxygen to the 57 year old woman, as she was an asthma sufferer. She was then
assessed by paramedics and we are told that she didn't require any further
1st aid. The 46 year old male, we are told, had complained of chest pains,
so firefighters gave him oxygen as well. He was then assessed by paramedics.
None of the people involved required further hospital treatment. We are
informed that the 2 appliances were at the scene for around 40 minutes.
Many locals are asking, how long before
this happens again, only this time worse. "This area is an accident
waiting to happen. I see problems all the time on this road." said a
local who did not wish to be identified. Do you agree that this section of
road is dangerous?
If so, why and what could be done to
prevent accidents? Please email us to:-
News24@SouthportReporter.Com with your suggestions and views.
