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Issue:- Sunday Night, 27 December 2015

Headlines and reports on this page = 2 news items.    Page - 1.

Over 100,000 workers work on Christmas Day in the North West, TUC analysis reveals

AS many workplaces prepare to shut down for the Christmas break, the TUC urged that every should to spare a thought for the 10's of thousands of people who have been working in the North West, on Christmas Day.

The TUC estimates; based on official statistics; that the number of employees who will work on Friday, 25 December 2015, in the North West, is likely have exceed 100,000, in 2015; an increase of 4,000 over the last 3 years (2012 2013 and 2014).  This means that 1 in 32 people in the North West are likely to have been on duty on Friday, compared to 1 in 47 in London.  Across the UK over 1000,000 employees are expected to have work on Christmas Day.  Where you one of them?  If so please let us know what you do and how long you had to work, via emailing our newsroom at:-   News24@SouthportReporter.Com.

Care workers (168,000) and medical staff (152,000) account for a big share of those working on Friday, 25 December 2015. In what is likely to be a busy festive period for the NHS, 810,000 nurses, 46,000 nursing assistants and 17,000 doctors will all be on duty.  And a large army of chefs (42,000), kitchen assistants (22,000), waiting (15,000) and bar staff (13,000) have been expected to have been working in hotels, pubs and restaurants. In addition, 22,000 Police Officers and 28,000 Security Guards are thought to have been at work. And 15,000 farm workers have had animals and crops are being looked after.  Plus many more, like those in the Armed Forces!

Christmas Day services have also had 20,000 members of the clergy kept busy. But it is 1 of the main religious days for the Christian Church.

A few days before Christmas Eve, TUC Regional Secretary Lynn Collins said:- "Christmas Day is a special day that millions of us spend with our nearest and dearest. So we should all spare a thought for the people in the North West who this Friday, will be hard at work while we're opening our presents, tucking into the turkey and relaxing with our families. Many on duty on the 25th will be on low pay, especially in sectors like hospitality and social care. Let's stop and remember all those who keep the services we rely upon running during the Christmas break."

Estimated figures from TUC.


2012 2015
 North East 42 42
 North West 1010 103
 Yorkshire and the Humber 77 80
 East Midlands 72 76
 West Midlands 57 510
 Eastern 78 82
 London 810 105
 South East 124 130
 South West 84 88
Nation 2012 2015
 England  722 753
 Wales 35 36
 Scotland 88 104
 Northern Ireland 20 20
Sources:- 2012 ONS special release, 2015 TUC estimates.
Number of people working on Christmas Day by occupation
Occupation (In Thousands)
2012 2015
 Care workers and home carers 136 153
 Nurses 77 810
 Nursing Auxiliaries and Assistants 43 46
 Chefs 33 42
 Security Guards and related occupations 31 28
 Cleaners and Domestics 23 23
 Police Officers (Sergeant and below) 21 22
 Kitchen and Catering Assistants 20 23
 Clergy 26 20
 Medical Practitioners 15 17
 Waiters and Waitresses 14 15
 Senior Care Workers 17 15
 Farm Workers 11 15
 Bar Staff 11 13
 Occupations with less than 10,000 working Christmas day 378 367
Source:- Labour Force Survey updated by TUC estimate..

►  The latest ONS figures relate to Christmas 2012. The TUC estimated figures for 2015, by increasing the 2012 results to take account of employment growth.

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Deceased estates notice - Lilian May Jackam

Pursuant to the Trustee Act 1925, any persons having a claim against or an interest in the Estate of Lilian May Jackam (also known as Lillian May) Jackam (Deceased), late of Birch Abbey Rest Home, 55 Alexandra Road, Southport, Merseyside, PR9 9HD, UK, who died on 04/10/2018, are required to send particulars thereof in writing, to the undersigned Solicitors, on or before 24/05/2019, after which date the Estate will be distributed having regard only to claims and interests of which they have had notice. Churches Solicitors, 12 High Street, Fareham, Hampshire, PO16 7BL, UK. Ref:- 'T553015.'

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