How will you vote in the
EU referendum?

PM David Cameron has confirmed that
on 23 June 2016, the UK will hold a referendum on whether Britain should
remain in the EU. This referendum is asking the electorate to choose to stay
or leave the EU, and this is a true polarized debate, with no middle ground.
It's one of the biggest issues the UK has faced in modern political history.
This referendum could have a huge impact on our country and should we get it
wrong, our nation might never recover. If we vote out and we find out we
should have stayed, it will be to late! If we stay in.... Sadly it is very
hard to see all the true facts as over the years we have demonised the EU
and it's been used as a convenient scapegoat for many of our own nations
errors. But the EU failed miserably in addressing things, like the current
migration crisis and the terrorism threat. But what we need as the public to
do is to think long and hard before making that vote. If you're a British
citizen are not registered, you should
now as even if you think this will not affect you, it will. As the media we
need to stay neutral and provide facts and not get controlled by others for
their own political purpose. European Parliament President Donald Tusk on 19
February he said:- "I deeply believe the UK needs Europe and Europe
needs the UK. But the final decision is in the hands of the British people."
Do you agree? This question will divide us all as a nation and
already, the debate is very heated on both sides. At this stage we
want to find out from you how we're feeling now? Do you already know how
you'll vote?

We did a 24 hour Pole on Twitter asking
how would you vote in the EU referendum and the result was very interesting.
This is not a scientifically sound Pole, but up until the very last few
minuets it was 50/50. It changed only just before the closed to 43% saying
they wanted to stay and 57% saying leave. Interestingly no one opted to
select:- 'Don't Know' or 'Not Sure' options. We
will re-run this Pole on Friday, on our Twitter
to see if this changes, as we stress that it was a very low response.

Comment wise so far Liverpool City Group
said:- "the very fact that PM has to ask them can we change things,
says it all. We're not in charge of ourselves whilst we stay in."
Please email your views and thoughts to
our newsroom via:-