Schoolchildren commended for anti
scrambler bike posters

SCHOOLCHILDREN from Sefton who designed posters for a
Merseyside Police anti scrambler bike campaign were commended in a
presentation ceremony at Bootle Town Hall.
The Year 6 group; who are pupils at Bedford Primary School in Bootle, Lander
Road Primary School in Litherland and Rimrose Hope CE Primary school In
Seaforth; were invited to design posters that reflected their feelings on
the antisocial and illegal use of scrambler bikes and off road bikes in
Over 100 entries were received from schoolchildren and the winning entries
were selected by a panel of judges.

The 10 winners were presented with an award certificate and a
framed copy of their winning poster by Assistant Chief Constable Ngaire
Waine, Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner Sue Murphy, Councillor Paul
Cummins from Sefton Council and former Everton player Ian Snodin. They
also won a PGL adventure weekend at Winmerleigh Hall in the forest of

Bootle neighbourhood inspector Ian Jones said:- "We had
over 100 posters designed by schoolchildren and the winning posters are a
reflection of their artistic talent or thought that went into the wording.
They all have great messages and what is clear is that the kids do not like
scrambler bikes and they want the issue to stop. By bringing all the primary
schools together in the area; and sending them all off together on their
adventure weekend; we hope that we can build bridges in the community and
break down barriers. We also hope that by engaging children at such a young
age and working with partner agencies we can work together and stamp out the
problem of illegal scrambler bike use once and for all."
Click on this
link to see large
copies. |