Society Fundraising
blooms in Southport for Marie Curie

YORKSHIRE Building Society is
hoping flower power will help it grow closer to raising its fundraising
target of £1million for its Hour of Need campaign in aid of Marie Curie.
The Southport branch of the Yorkshire Building Society is joining others
around the country to:- 'get behind the daffodil' this March,
by encouraging people in the community to give a donation and wear a
daffodil pin, in support of Marie Curie's Great Daffodil Appeal.
Every £20 raised during the Society's Hour of Need campaign will help fund
one hour of Marie Curie Nursing care. The Society is aiming to raise
£1million by December 2016, which equates to funding two hours of care by a
Marie Curie Nurse for every hour of the campaign.
Thanks to the support of the local community, the branch on London Street,
has raised an impressive £536 since the start of the campaign in 2014; which
equates to more than 26 hours of care.

Karen Cannon, manager of the Southport
branch of Yorkshire Building Society, said:- "By supporting our Hour
of Need campaign and this year's Great Daffodil Appeal you will be helping
to provide nursing care for people with a terminal illness in their hour of
need. Sadly, most of us know someone who has been affected by terminal
illness but by wearing a daffodil pin you can help make a difference. We
have been overwhelmed by the level of support people in our community here
in Southport have shown for the Hour of Need campaign but we know we can do
more. The charity's annual appeal gives us an opportunity to do just that by
encouraging people to 'get behind the daffodil' this March."
Jude Bridge, Executive Director of Marketing, Fundraising and Public Affairs
at Marie Curie, said:- "We are delighted that Yorkshire Building
Society is helping to support this year's Great Daffodil Appeal as part of
their Hour of Need campaign to raise £1million for Marie Curie. The money
raised will make a real difference and help Marie Curie Nurses provide care
and support to people living with a terminal illness and their loved ones at
a time when they need us the most."
The Society's Hour of Need campaign was launched in 2014 with the aim of
raising £500,000 by December 2016. Thanks to the strength of support this
was reached a year early with the current total standing at more than
£837,000, the Society has now set its sights on reaching £1million.
To sign up for a Great Daffodil Appeal fundraising pack visit
MarieCurie.Org.UK/Daffodil or to donate £5 text:-
to 70111 or call them on:- 0800 716 146 and donate over the phone.