"Leap" say call
from St. Josephs Hospice
ST.JOSEPH'S Hospice (Jospice) in
Thornton has been calling on the community across Sefton, Liverpool and West
Lancashire to support them. The Hospice, which provides specialist end of
life care for patients and support for their families, needs to raise £6,500
every day to keep its services running. Mike Parr, Chief Executive of
St Joseph's Hospice, said:- "On Monday, it will be business as usual
for our nursing and healthcare teams, who care for over 200 patients every
year at the Hospice. Every 4 years, the Hospice has to raise an
additional £6,500 to pay for the extra leap year day and so we are asking
our local community to help us by sending a quick text and donating to this
great cause." Please text:-
'LEAP00 £10', '£20' or '£5' to:-
70070. Every donation, no matter how small, will be used for patient care
here at our Hospice.