RBL Women's Section 95th
Annual Conference - Southport 2016
Photographs by Patrick Trollope.

THIS was very historic Royal British
Legion Women's Section National Annual Conference, not only was it the 95th
Conference, but also in February, the RBL announced it will be would close as a
stand alone division. This has outraged many of those attending the Annual
Conference, where quick to say:- "We have had no say in this decisions and
we feel that we are being tossed aside. We still have yet to have any one from
the Royal British Legion come to us and explain why they are doing this and hear
our views. We're losing all control and being made into a 'district' within the
main body. How can we be a district and why?" Others members voiced
their fear that the proposed changes will have a dramatic impact on their
welfare schemes they have now.

We are told that this years Women's Section
Annual Conference was focused in reviewing the work of the organisation and
voting on the resolutions that form the backbone of Women's Section's policy and
welfare. It also had a Standard Bearers' Competition and a parade of Standard's
that took place outside Byng House, on the Promenade side of King's Gardens.

These are some of the photos we took at the event that also had a small service
of remembrance.

As you can see it was not all politics and work, as the
delegates and members who attended had many opportunities to come together,
socialise, and have a bit of fun. That included taking a ride on Silcock's hobby
horse carousel, which is over 100 years and located outside Funland, on the
entrance to Southport Pier. We would love to know your views about the
Conference that was held at the Southport Theatre and Convention Centre, as well
as your thoughts and views about the Royal British Legion decisions to merge the
2 together. we want to hear from both sides on this issue, so please email us

Fact File:-
Did you know that the Women's Section was formed to safeguard the interest of
wives, widows and children of men who served in the Great War? It has been a
bizarre relationship as the 2 Sections have been separate bodies since its
creation. The Women's Section is now 1 the largest female membership
organisations in existence, with in the order of 30,000 members and 700 branches
across the British Isles and overseas. If the chances go ahead, they will loose
control of it's funding and how it operates.
Click on
here to see more of the
photographs taken at this event.

Click on
here to see more of the
photographs taken at this event.