Royal Signals Association
Annual Christmas Dinner
Photographs with thanks to

THE Southport and District Branch of
the Royal Signals Association held its Annual Dinner, on Saturday, 10 December
2016, within the International Suite of the Prince of Wales Hotel, Southport,
Merseyside. Colonel Ian Thomson TD, presided and the principal guest was Mr Jim
Pritchard. The Branch Chairman, Mr Les Harrison, proposed the toast to
'Absent Friends' at the appropriate moment. This was 1 of the many
events the Association hold though out the year.

"New members would be most welcome. Any person who has served, or is
serving in the Royal Corps of Signals, will be most welcome, and the Branch also
welcomes, as Associate Members, former members of the Royal Engineers and REME
who reside in the Southport and District area. To join this branch or to find
out more about the Association please go to the official
website. On it you will find lots of
information about our active charity and what we do to help our members. The
Southport Branch meets monthly in the Prince of Wales Hotel, on Lord Street,
Southport." said Fraser Gordon, who is a local member of the Royal
Signals Association. |