North West Care Home graded
'outstanding' by Care Quality Commission
Photographs with thanks to
Tarleton Photography

IN the world of social care it is the
holy grail; to achieve an 'Outstanding' grade by the care regulator, the Care
Quality Commission (CQC). Only 1% of all 40,000 UK care providers are graded
'Outstanding' in recognition of those providers that are truly exceptional, care
innovators and those who deliver extraordinary care to those they are entrusted
to look after.
Southport based Rosebank Care Home for adults with learning disabilities have
just achieved this highest of care accolades. Owned by Jonathan and Joanne
Cunningham and with Registered Care Manager Gill Young, Rosebank becomes one of
the 1st Merseyside Care Home to achieve this unique care award. The home was
inspected in November yet was informed 3 weeks ago of their grade.

"We are absolutely delighted that the
consistent hard work of all our staff has paid off. It is a true recognition of
our exceptional care team and their vocational dedication to our residents. The
quality of our care was evident the moment CQC turned up." said
CQC specifically graded the Home's leadership and quality of care as
'Outstanding.' Innovative use of IT, prolific social media and filming, pet
therapy and advanced IT communications with staff, residents and relatives made
this home stand out from all others. Specifically Rosebank was able to evidence
that they were at the forward edge of care trials and were recognised as
significant influencers in care via social media. Rosebank's willingness to
share best practise with other care homes was also a major factor for the
Rosebank award. Jonathan said:- "CQC commented that few care providers
share ideas and in the manner that Rosebank Care Home do"

Debbie Westhead, Deputy Chief Inspector of Adult Social Care in the North,
said:- "We found the quality of care provided at Rosebank Care Home in
Southport to be outstanding. People told us that they were extremely happy with
the level of care that they received and we saw a relaxed, homely atmosphere. It
was impressive to see the way that Rosebank had harnessed new technology and
social media to engagement with not just people using the service, but their
relatives and even stakeholders. People told us this approach had an extremely
positive impact on them and this was clear to see. We were also impressed with
the lengths that staff went to, to ensure that people's care was responsive to
their needs. We saw staff rewording information for people when they didn't
understand it and also that people had choice and control over their lives. The
whole team should be very proud of the service they are providing."

Owner Joanne Cunningham said:- "At a
time when the media is all too often full of tales of poor care delivered by
failing care providers it is a delight to promote and advertise that there are
good and outstanding care providers going the extra 100 miles for their lovely
residents! We aren't interested in compliance what we deliver is far beyond the
minimum level set by CQC. What Rosebank does is a true honour to serve our
residents to fulfil and enjoy the best life ever! We are humbled by this award."
For any NW care providers that would like to visit
Rosebank Care Home and see
the features, systems and ideas that allowed it to achieve this award then they
are encouraged to contact its owner Jonathan Cunningham on:- 01704 320008 or
contact them via email. to arrange a
visit and tour. "It is all about sharing ideas and best practise!"
said Jonathan.
Rating for North West Ambulance Service
HEALTH and social care regulator Care Quality Commission (CQC)
has published its report following a planned week long inspection of North West
Ambulance Service (NWAS) NHS Trust, in May 2016.
This is the 1st CQC inspection of NWAS to be rated and the Trust was pleased
to receive a rating of 'good' in relation to care, responsiveness and
effectiveness but was disappointed to receive an overall rating of
'requires improvement.' Ratings were also provided for each of NWAS' core functions
and found that the Trust's NHS 111, patient transport services and emergency
operations centres were 'good,' however, the emergency and urgent care
service 'requires improvement.'
Outstanding practice was noted in other areas, including the delivery of the
Trust's Hazardous Area Response Teams, the implementation of community care
pathways and use of new technology to map public defibrillator locations and
sharing that information with control centres so they could be used to help
patients in the community.
NWAS Chief Executive, Derek Cartwright comments:- "As an organisation
which has patients at the heart of all we do, I was extremely pleased to hear
that the CQC believes our staff to be caring and compassionate and that we
regard safety and quality as a priority. This is 1 of the key components of an
organisation which exists to provide care for patients and it is heartening to
hear from the CQC what I have always known. Our staff work hard every day to do
the very best they can for patients; from saving lives to offering comfort to
relatives, and they should be very proud that this has been recognised. We
accept the comments in the report relating to improvements required for
procedures, guidelines and training, however the inspection took place almost
10 months ago and the majority of the points highlighted have already been
addressed. For the remainder, we are working to a robust action plan which is
being monitored by the Executive team and our Commissioners. These relate to the
Trust's duty of candour and safeguarding of adults procedures and policies,
together with the need to increase the recording and learning from incidents.
The Trust is also addressing its capacity to consent procedures in line with the
Mental Capacity Act of 2005, provide support and training in the management of
bariatric patients, strengthen the complaints procedures and improve compliance
with the Fit and Proper Persons regulations."
With regard to its care and compassion towards patients and their clinical
treatment, the CQC noted:- "Communication with callers who contacted:- 999
was effective and reassuring. Staff were compassionate, reassuring and treated
callers with dignity and respect.
There were systems in place to meet the needs of patients in rural locations,
which included partnership working with health, social and the voluntary care sector. Staff
were dedicated and committed to caring for patients and often went above and
beyond the expectations of their employer to provide care. Emotional
support was offered to patients and their relatives in both life threatening and
emergency situations and also during less urgent situations."
Derek adds:- "The last 12 months have been extremely challenging for the
organisation with unprecedented demand for our services, and it is unfortunate
that by not reviewing policies and guidelines as often as we should, we are in
the position we are now. We are determined to right this as soon as possible and
ensure that staff are given adequate time to complete their mandatory training.
This will be a team effort across the whole of the organisation and I am
confident that the CQC will see huge improvements when they next visit."
Registration for Care Roadshows is now open!
REGISTRATION for the established free event is now open
for all locations across the UK in 2017. Care Roadshows are tailored to all
decision makers within the care sector including:- Care Home Owners, Managers and
Healthcare Professionals.
Returning to 5 locations throughout the year, the event offers practitioners the
opportunity to source high quality products and services from established
suppliers in order to exceed the expectations of their clients. This includes
care management systems, catering and laundry equipment, pharmacy services,
recruitment, HR plus many more; all integral components for an organisation
providing care.
The events provide the chance for like minded individuals to meet and discuss
staying profitable whilst addressing challenges faced in the sector when trying
to achieve the highest care rating. The CPD seminars award visitors with an
insight and explanation into the current sector trends from experts including
Care Inspectorate, CSSIW, CQC, National Care Association and Care Forum Wales.
If you are looking to achieve outstanding levels of care in your organisation,
then Care Roadshows are guaranteed to support you in this. There is also the
chance to enter a £100 prize draw on the day. For more information and to
register for your 'free' ticket,
online or call:- 01425
838393. The female
driver in M62 crash taken to Hospital
MERSEYSIDE Police's are appealing for
information following a road traffic collision that happened, on Wednesday, 18
January 2017, on the M62 westbound, heading towards Liverpool. We are told that
the incident took place at around 7am, on 18 January, between Junctions 8 and 7,
when a black Vauxhall Corsa left the carriageway and collided into a tree. The
female driver was been taken to Hospital where her condition remains critical.
Officers are appealing to anyone who may have seen the Vauxhall Corsa, at this
time, or has any information about this incident, to contact Merseyside Police's
Road Policing Team, on:- 0151 777 5747 or call Crimestoppers, anonymously, on:-
0800 555 111.