Health Unit knits for

STAFF and patients based at Wirral's
NHS Mental Health Unit, Springview, have knitted an astonishing 532 mini hats for
an Age UK charity initiative.
Led by Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (CWP) Occupational
Therapy Assistant Leah Russell, the Springview team have been knitting since
October to achieve their incredible total. All the hats will be sent to soft
drink giants Innocent, who will in turn donate 25p per item to Age UK as part of
their Big Knit campaign.
Leah said:- "We've had a wonderful response from everyone at Springview in
support of this great cause, and it has given our patients a real increase in
their self esteem. We have also welcomed involvement from community groups based
in libraries and a nearby local caf? It has been a great talking point both
around the Hospital and in the community."
Sim Viney, Brand Manager at Innocent, said:- "It's the people behind the
Big Knit that make it such an amazing campaign. Year after year thousands of
people knit us little hats that we sell on our smoothies to help keep older
people warm and well in winter. The team at Springview should be really proud."
Springview is CWP's Mental Health Inpatient Unit, based at Clatterbridge Health
Park, Wirral. It comprises of 2 acute mental health wards for adults of
working age, an older people's mental health ward, an Eating Disorders Ward and
a Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit.
For more information about CWP visit
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