Having a blast at SHRT Bonfire and
Fireworks Display
ON 4 November 2017, in a
cold Victoria Park, Southport, the Southport and Hesketh Round Table held its
annual charity Bonfire and Fireworks Display. Despite the wind and damp air,
after a slow start, crowds built up as the biggest bonfire they have ever made
was prepared for lighting. On the bonfire was the traditional Guy, and hidden
inside the large stack of wood was the ignition system, which 2 local School
children detonated, sparking the fire into life. Live music started from a small
stage provided by Sefton Council and the fire soon warmed up the field. For
those attending, the park hosted many things to do that night, with vintage fire
engines on display, bouncy castles, an inflatable slide, plus a fantastic
fairground, thanks to Silcock's Amusements. MD Travel were also providing Limo
Rides... For the VIP ticket holders, a large tent was erected, housing a few
surprises, 1 of them was the fact that Channel 4 was attending, filming a large
cake, specially made for the event by Rosie Cake
You will be able to see it on an episode of Channel 4's "Extreme Cakes"
very soon. More to follow on that... Then came the fireworks... This
year's display was 1 of the best yet, lighting up the sky for a 15 minute long
show. At the end, within 5 minutes the weather turned and hail and rain drove
the crowds away.
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The Round Table is the largest voluntary organisation for young men in the world
and this event was 1 of many of the local branch of charity hold each year. If
you're interested in taking part in any of the Southport and Hesketh Round
Table's events, visit:-
SouthportHesketh.RoundTable.Co.UK or follow
them on
Facebook. Southport Hesketh Round Table has been established over
40 years in Southport, and offers a place for men from all walks of life,
raising cash for good causes along the way. The next events the group will be
holding are the Mad Dog 10k run and the Santa Float...
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