Merseyside Police Officer
awarded Queen's Police Medal

MERSEYSIDE Police Chief Constable Andy
Cooke has congratulated Detective Constable Tracy O'Hara after she attended
Buckingham Palace to be awarded the Queen's Police Medal (QPM) for distinguished
services to Policing, on Thursday, 7 December 2017. Detective Constable O'Hara
was recognised in the Queen's Birthday Honours, in June 2017. She has been a
Police Officer in Merseyside since 1996, working within both Uniformed Policing
and a number of specialist investigative roles. Alongside this, Tracy is
the Chair of the Merseyside Police Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT)
Staff Support Network and Co-Chair of the National Police LGBT Network.
The Chief Constable said:- "I'm absolutely delighted to see Tracy awarded
such a major honour. This is a reflection of how highly we regard her and how
much we appreciate her hard work, dedication and commitment to the people of
Merseyside. Tracy is a key figure within the Merseyside LGBT+ community and
beyond, promoting strong relationships with the Police Service nationally and
internationally, whilst ensuring that Merseyside Police is a diverse
organisation to work for. It is wonderful to see professional and passionate
Police Officers recognised nationally for their services to the community in
such a prestigious way. Over the years I have been humbled by the 'can do'
attitude of the Officers and their commitment to providing the people of
Merseyside with a professional Police Service. They all have the utmost respect
of their colleagues, and demonstrate their tenacity, integrity and
professionalism on a daily basis. Everyone in Merseyside should be proud of them
as their work and conduct reflect so well on us all."