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24Jan 2002

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Is the Ocean Plaza Palaver Over?

Over the last few months the Plaza project has been rocked by the pounding of a storm of controversy and trouble.  Only a few weeks ago the council was under fire from locals calling for public accountability.  Now workers are back at the site and the project is being continued.  Sefton Council issued this press release on the 17 Jan 2002.

"The final piece of the Ocean Plaza jigsaw was put into place this week with the council receiving £6million from developers. Sefton Council heard today that all of the legal documentation had now been completed and exchanged and with workers already back on site there will now be a marked increase in the intensity of the construction work. Chief Executive Graham Haywood said “We have been acutely aware of peoples concerns and frustrations, but with a project of the magnitude it inevitably takes time to dot all the I’s and cross the t’s” “Before the scheme took place the site was derelict and had been independently assessed as having nil value. The same site now has a £26 million complex on it and the council has £6 million in the bank that can be used for future development.”

When completed, the development will further revitalize Southport’s seafront and the people of Southport will have a first class leisure facility. The development will attract many visitors to the area – giving Southport’s economy a boost and creating around 300 new jobs. Leader of the Council Cllr David Bamber said, “From talking to people we know that they are fed up with all the speculation and arguments that are constantly appearing. They have made it clear that they want to know two things. Is it going to be built and When? I’m ready pleased to finally be able to answer yes and now.”"

"We now can look forward to the completion of the project." 

Article by Patrick.


Oxford Dictionary gets the Girl Power!

'Girl Power' has found its way on the Oxford Dictionary online, just one of 10,000 new entries in the last two years. The introduction- of the term into the dictionary provides substance to the phrase, bandied around by the politically motivated Spice Girls of the late 1990's. However, the five special ones cannot claim exclusive rights to the phrase, defined as "power exercised by girls; spec. A self reliant attitude among girls and young women manifested in ambition, assertiveness and individualism". The saying has apparently been around in the US since the early 1990's with similar connotations. And if you don't know your decaf from your dolce latté the OED online may well be a good place to start. The era of the ubiquitous coffeehouse has seen these two examples of Starbucks vernacular added to the reference book. No doubt tall, grande and vente will soon be gracing the pages of the illustrious publication based on current trends. The Oxford English Dictionary is at, and can be enjoyed by "all researchers and lovers of language alike". No doubt delays are 
Article by Miranda.

Bush flattened by savoury snack

The most powerful man was left red in the face after nearly choking to death on a pretzel. President Bush was watching American football on TV when a pretzel got caught in his throat. He fell on the floor, banged his head and passed out. Speaking to the press last week, Bush tried to pass the accident off as a joke saying, "My mom always said, 'When you're eating pretzels, always chew before you swallow." Bush was left with a small cut and bruise on his face. His two dogs were with him when the accident took place. He said, "I hit the deck. Woke up and there was Barney and Spot showing a lot of concern". A White House doctor, Richard Tubb, reported that the President had swallowed the pretzel awkwardly leading to a decrease in heart rate and causing him to pass out for a few seconds. But the 55-year-old President said he didn't realize what happened until he looked in a mirror and saw the marks on his face. He stressed that he is now fully recovered, "I had good blood pressure last night. Good blood pressure this morning. I feel great." Bush later sent a large bag of pretzels to reporters on board Air Force One, with a message saying, "Chew slowly." 

Article by Miranda.

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