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24Jan 2002

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Our Editor signs up!
This year our editor Patrick has decided to take a look at driving skills as there have been so many complaints lately about the standard of driving in and around the country.  He has signed up to go on a course with the Institute of Advanced Motorists to see what can be done to combat this and will bring you updates on his progress and information on what he has learned.  The I.A.M. is not for learners, but for people of all ages and skills who have passed their test.  Holding a clean license or a accident free history, no matter for how long... is not a sign of good driving and the I.A.M. provides a course that looks at all driving conditions, types of roads and behaviour on the modern roads. The group is  entirely run by volunteers who  operate the courses and hold meetings regularly on improving driving standards.  

The course consists of an Observer who goes out on the open roads with the candidates and he or she then offer advice and suggestions.  They do not offer formal tuition, only advice and help to achieve the required standard the I.A.M. upholds.  The last part of the course is a test by an Institute's Examiner.  For more information about the course they run and about the I.A.M. can be found on their web page at and on Sefton's page at

ASDA MARKET SHARE REACHES NEW HEIGHTS with 16,000 extra colleagues welcomed into the ASDA family in 2001. At least 10,000 jobs to be created in 2002. Some of the jobs are here in Southport in their new store, opening soon.  This is good news for Southport replenishing the jobs and investment in the area. 

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Is the Plaza Palaver Over?
Wild Southport.
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Night Life!
Jimmy White visits Shorrocks Hill
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Chinese Zodiac
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Happy Birthday Sarah Radcliffe from your husband David.
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