Southport Reporter - You local online newspaper for Merseyside and the Liverpool City Region.

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28Nov 2001
e, for more information!

Virus hits Southport.

The was discovered:  on 4  November 2001 and has now hit Southpo<rt and the UK as it awoke on Monday It has hit a large amount of businesses throughout Southport and the UK -  I received 200 emails alone  containing a virus called "W32/Badtrans@MM"  from businesses throughout Southport.  It manages to get through a lot of email virus checkers.  So UPDATE your systems defenses now.

This outbreak in the UK originated from the support team at BT Openworld at the weekend.  The virus spreads via your email address book, but it hits AOL users as well!   There are several versions out there called "W32/BadTrans@M"  & "W32/Badtrans.eml" This new version "MM"  drops a worm in to your system (A program that eats its way into other programs).  This worm looks for passwords, stealing them and then attempts to mail the victim's IP Address to the author.   Once this information is obtained, the author can connect to the infected system via the Internet and steal personal information such as usernames, and passwords. But it can also allow the copying and access to credit card and bank account numbers and passwords.  This nice virus also uses Microsoft Outlook and other systems like Outlook, by replying to unread email messages on your system.

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to Paul from all his mates. Click for photo!

Happy Birthday to  Jenny!  21 this week!  Click for photo and message!

Birthdays email us:-

you get any of these attachments you have got the virus:-  
The email message may contain the text:-
"Take a look to the attachment."
<I can not open it an you?"
"Life's fun, take a look!"
Please select an article:-
A big success!


Southport's bid or 2002 tourism.

Film Review:- Kiss of the Dragon!
Music Review
What to look at in the pop charts.
Southport Reporter hits the streets one again!
Chinese Calendar Survey.
To order any photograph please ring PCBT Photography for prices.  Telephone:- 01704 513569. 
UK office hours only, calls maybe recorded.
PLEASE NOTE!  Southport Reporter is part of PCBT Photography
PCBT Photography are Southport and Formby based.  We cover local, national, and international for News, PR, Advertisement, and Documentary work.

Copyright (c) Patrick Trollope PCBT Photography
Telephone (01704) 830521 or 513569 or 833049


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Renacres Hospital 

Our live webcams...

This is a live image that reloads every 30 seconds.

An Image from our Southport Webcam above. To see it live, please click on image.

See the view live webcamera images of the road outside our studio/newsroom in the hart of Southport.

An Image from our Southport Webcam above. To see it live, please click on image.


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Click on to find out why the moon changes phases.  
This is the current phase of the moon. For more lunar related information, please click on here.

Disability Confident - Committed


Find out whats on in and around Merseyside!

This is just 1 of the events on our event calendar, click on
here to see lots more!

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Calls to this number may be recorded for security, broadcast, training and record keeping.

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Southport and Mersey Reporter, 4a Post Office Ave,
Southport, Merseyside, PR9 0US, UK

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