... Important Daily Notices ...
AS This
page is to place quick update important notices that are being
sent to us from Government and other organisations over the
Coronavirus Emergency affecting our country (UK)...
Please remember that the information changes quickly, so always
check to see what time and when the last post was made. We
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email us to:- News24@SouthportReporter.Com.
This page is updated on 25 March 2020
Bill Esterson asks questions about the
construction industry
25 March 2020, Bill Esterson MP asked
the UK's Parliament:- "If
construction workers can't afford to stay at home, they will go
to work and if the Prime Minister doesn't close construction
sites, they will stay open. So will he pass on to the Prime
Minister that he must make sure that every construction worker,
whether self employed or employed and it is both can afford to
stay at home and will he pass on the message that construction
sites absolutely must close. This matter obviously was raised
during Prime Minister's Questions."
Jacob Rees-Mogg MP replied:- "I would say that the advice
from the Government is very clear. If you cannot work from home,
but can work observing social distancing, which is being about 6
feet away from people, which we are doing pretty well at doing,
then it is safe to go on to work it into work. And that is an
important part of the Government's message. Stay at home, but if
you can't stay at home, you have to work away from home, then
observe social distancing."
What our our readers thoughts on this? Email us to:-
Bill Esterson asks questions about the
construction industry
CVS and local partner agencies
have been made aware of an email scam that states:- "As
Schools will be closing, if you're entitled to free School
meals, please send your bank details and we'll make sure you're
Please DO NOT respond to it, and delete immediately; and
please help spread the word to those local families who may be
targeted by this malicious scam.
All legitimate information relating to free school meals can be
found on the Gov.UK
If you spot a scam you think we should take
notice of or any fake news, please email us to:-
Emergency Appeal
from St John Ambulance

"IF you or anyone you know can help St John Ambulance with
our Equipment appeal in the current COVID-19 Emergency, please
make contact ASAP
Your support will help us replace equipment urgently needed
during this national emergency; any level of contribution is
welcome to help us reach our overall goal. Thank you."
A message today from Prime Minister Boris
Boris Johnson:- "Thank you to the 405,000 incredible NHS volunteer responders who have
signed up today. If you want to sign up, follow this link:
Total UK cases COVID-19 Cases Update for
Liverpool City Region and surroundings
IN the UK, as
fatalities rise by 41 to 463, including 1 confirmed death in
Wirral. The number of COVID-19 infections has risen by 1,542 in
just a day, to 9,529, the Department of Health said. In England,
there are a total of 7,973 confirmed cases. North West - total
of 703 confirmed cases. Current confirmed cases within the
following local authorities are as follows:-
► Liverpool, 57 confirmed cases.
► Sefton, 20 confirmed cases.
► Wirral, 16 confirmed cases.
► St. Helens, 16 confirmed cases.
► Halton, 8 confirmed cases.
► Lancashire, 78 confirmed cases.
► Cheshire West and Chester, 18 confirmed cases.
► Cheshire East, 30 confirmed cases.
► Manchester, 45 confirmed cases.
► Stockport, 45 confirmed cases.
► Trafford, 40 confirmed cases.
► Wigan, 14 confirmed cases.
► Bolton, 21 confirmed cases.
► Rochdale, 29 confirmed cases.
► Bury, 23 confirmed cases.
► Tameside, 35 confirmed cases.
► Oldham, 42 confirmed cases.
► Blackburn with Darwen, 3 confirmed cases.
These stats are according to Public Health England as of
Covid-19 lockdown: Charity issues essential
advice for pet owners
lockdown now in place pet owners
across the UK are either social distancing or self isolating and
will be spending at least the next 3 weeks inside their homes.
Blue Cross is looking at the impact this will have on the
nation‘s pets and their owners during this unsettling time and
is offering essential advice and answering the many questions on
pet owners minds. Those social distancing can still take their
dog for a walk and exercise once a day but they MUST keep their
distance from other people by at least 2 metres. However, if
self isolating because they, or a member of their household, has
had signs of the disease they should not go out at all. Someone
from outside of the household may have to take their dog out for
them. Owners can ask friends, neighbours or family members if
they can help and there are also increasingly numbers of
community groups offering to walk dogs and pick up essential pet
supplies. Affected owners can check local media and social media
to find someone in their area. Volunteer dog walkers should use
their own dog lead or disinfect the owner's lead. It is
important pet owners wash their hands after handling their pets,
and if unwell and self isolating it is also a good idea to avoid
other people stroking and handling their pets. If pets aren't
getting their usual amount of exercise it is important owners
make up for this to keep pets healthy and mentally stimulated.
The charity has some tips for pet owners while they are spending
more time at home:-
► Encourage pets to play with toys and treats by hiding them
around the home or playing fetch (make sure toys are soft to
avoid damaging any household items) and even play hide and seek
with pets and other family members; especially fun for children
at home while schools are closed too. Don't forget if playing
with pets using extra treats you may need to reduce the amount
they have for their daily meal. Your dog might also enjoy a game
of tug with a favourite toy, make sure these are controlled
games and your pet understands that when you put their tuggy toy
down it is time to stop. Pets can also be kept busy by having
their food via a kong or activity toy.
► Cats will benefit from having scratch posts, climbing
apparatus and chase toys and many also enjoy playing with toys
such as feather wands and balls. While at home, all the family
can take some time out to have a few minutes of regular playtime
with their cat; fun for both cats and their owners.
► Hide biscuits or food parcels in a cardboard box filled with
shredded paper or a cleaned out yoghurt drink pot for pets to
bat about to release the food.
► Being at home could also be a time
to continue pet training; even cats can be trained using a
clicker device where they understand a reward is coming for an
act they are doing when asked by their owner.
► If pets are becoming a distraction while trying to work from
home and to avoid them becoming too clingy (potentially leading
to dogs suffering from separation anxiety when their owners go
back to work) it is a good idea to pop them in another room to
rest for periods during the day. Owners may also benefit from
putting pets in another room if using Skype or phone meetings to
avoid pets being a distraction.
► Cats who usually spend the day outdoors exploring may prefer
to stay in with their owners instead. Owners can encourage their
cat to go outside by going into the garden themselves and let
them follow and see if they will jump onto fences or into trees
to keep them active.
Pet owners regularly using hand sanitiser should remember that
many cleaning products are toxic to pets and it is best to avoid
stroking and handling your pets straight after using sanitisers.
When cleaning, remember that pets should be kept away from areas
being disinfected until completely dry and prevent pets going
near cleaning buckets and cleaning products. Cats in particular
will lick their paws and fur almost immediately if they feel
unclean and such products can potentially burn their mouth,
tongue or throat.
Find out the situation with your vet practice and where
emergency treatment is being offered. Some vet practices are
offering routine and non-urgent consultations remotely and any
medication needed prescriptions via email to order online.
Blue Cross is offering free Coronavirus update emails for latest
news and tips about keeping pets healthy and mentally stimulated
with easy to make games and play ideas during the Covid-19
outbreak. Visit:-
to find out more and sign up.
24/03/2020 - 16:52
What the latest
raft of emergency measures means for
WHILE the past week or so has seen
more restrictions on civil liberties to UK
citizens than at any time in our history,
the Government has also recognised the major
implications the Coronavirus (Covid-19)
outbreak will have on British businesses.
Late last week, the Chancellor set out a
package of temporary and targeted measures
of support to get through this period of
significant disruption. Here, Brian Palmer,
tax policy expert for AAT (Association of
Accounting Technicians) talks through the
support package and what it will mean for
small businesses:-
Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme:-
"Under this new scheme, all UK employers
will be able to access support to continue
paying part of their employees' salary for
those employees that would otherwise have
been laid off during this crisis. All UK
businesses are eligible for this, and
affected workers will have 80% of their
wages reimbursed by HMRC, up to a cap of
₤2,500 per month. To access the scheme, an
employer will need to designate affected
employees as'furloughed workers' and notify
them of this change. HMRC will need
information related to the employee through
a new portal available on their website.
It's important to note that changing the
status of employees remains subject to
existing employment law."
Deferring VAT and Income Tax payments:-
"The Chancellor has promised to support
businesses by deferring the requirement to
make VAT payments for 3 months (deferral
applying in respect of VAT due from 20 March
to 30 June 2020). Furthermore, there is some
good news for the self employed with Income
Tax payments due in July 2020 under the Self
Assessment system now deferred to January
2021. Again, all UK businesses are eligible;
but this time the scheme is automatic and
there is no need for businesses to apply.
This means that businesses do not need to
make VAT payments during this period.
Taxpayers will also be given until the end
of the 2020-21 tax year to pay any
liabilities that have accumulated during the
deferral period. The income tax change is
very simple; Self Assessment payments
payable, on 31 July 2020, will be deferred
until 31 January 2021. Again, all self
employed people are available and there is
automatic access. No penalties or late
payment interest will be charged during the
deferral period."
Sick pay:- "Legislation has been
passed to allow smaller businesses to
reclaim Statutory Sickness Pay which is paid
for sickness absence due to COVID-19. The
Government will work with employers over the
coming months to set up the repayment
mechanism, and this is open to all UK-based
businesses with less than 250 employees. The
number of people employed as of 28 February
2020 will be used as the determining factor;
and the refund will cover up to 2 weeks' SSP
per eligible employee. While the scheme is
still being developed, employers should act
now to maintain records of all staff
absences and SSP payments. While the
employer will not need to provide evidence
of GP fit notes, the employee should get an
isolation note from NHS 111 online if they
get symptoms of Covid-19."
Support for retail, hospitality and leisure
businesses:- "The Government is to
introduce a business rates holiday for
retail, hospitality and leisure businesses
in England for the 2020/21 business rates
year. This is for qualifying businesses
based in England only. Properties that will
benefit from the relief will be those that
are wholly or mainly being used as shops,
restaurants, cafes, drinking establishments,
cinemas and live music venues or assembly
and leisure as hotels, guest and boarding
premises and self-catering accommodation.
Access is again automatic and the relief
will be applied to the April 2020
non-domestic rates bill. Check your bill
when it comes, however, as local authorities
may need to reissue bills to exclude the
charge. Further guidance for local
authorities is available in the GOV.UK
expanded retail discount guidance. In
addition, the Retail and Hospitality Grant
Scheme provides English businesses in the
retail, hospitality and leisure sectors with
a cash grant of up to ₤25,000 per property;
if their rateable value is between ₤15,001
and ₤51,000. Businesses in these sectors
with a rateable value of under ₤15,000 will
receive a grant of ₤10,000. Your local
authority will write to you if you are
Support for nursery businesses:- "The
Government is also to introduce a business
rates holiday for nurseries in England for
the 2020 to 2021 tax year. Properties will
benefit from the relief if they are occupied
by providers on Ofsted's Early Years
Register, or wholly or mainly used for the
provision of the Early Years Foundation
Stage; and relief will be applied in their
next council tax bill."
Support for businesses that pay little or no
business rates:- "The Government is to
provide an additional Small Business Grant
Scheme funding for local authorities to
support small businesses that already pay
little or no business rates because they
receive small business rate relief (SBBR),
rural rate relief (RRR) and tapered relief.
Here, the aim is to provide a 1 off grant
of ₤10,000 to eligible businesses (who
occupy property) to help meet their ongoing
business costs. Again, look out for the
letter from your local authority to see if
you're eligible, and direct any enquiries
over the provision of grants to them."
Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan
Scheme:- "This scheme supports SME's
with access to working capital (including
loans, overdrafts, invoice finance and asset
finance) of up to ₤5 million in value and
for up to 6 years. The Government will pay
to cover the 1st 12 months of interest
payments and any lender levied fees, so
smaller businesses will not face upfront
costs and will benefit from lower initial
repayments. Lenders will receive a guarantee
of 80% on each loan (subject to a per-lender
cap on claims) to give them extra confidence
in continuing to provide finance to SMEs at
this time. Businesses receiving loans will
need to have a turnover of no more than ₤45
million annually, and will need to meet the
other British Business Bank eligibility
criteria. If you wish to apply, talk to your
bank or one of the 40 accredited finance
Additional tax support:- "HMRC has
extended its Time To Pay scheme to help
those who do not believe they are in a
financial position to maintain their tax
liabilities. If taxpayers have missed a tax
payment or is worried they might miss their
next payment due to COVID-19 they should
call HMRC's dedicated helpline:- 0800 0159
559. If worried about future payments, call
HMRC nearer the time."
Insurance:- "Businesses that have
cover for both pandemics and Government
ordered closure should be covered by the
latest closures, as the Government and
insurance industry confirmed on 17 March
2020 that advice to avoid pubs, theatres etc
is sufficient to make a claim as long as all
other terms and conditions are met.
Insurance policies differ significantly, so
businesses are encouraged to check the terms
and conditions of their specific policy and
contact their providers. Indeed, standard
business interruption insurance policies are
dependent on damage to property and will
exclude pandemics."
Off-payroll working (IR35) delay:- "In
a sign of the times, what would've
ordinarily been a dramatic turn of events
passed without hardly being noticed. The
planned extension of the off payroll working
rules to large or medium sized organisations
outside the public sector has now been
delayed for one year until 6 April 2021.
This is only a deferral, and not the
cancellation that some were calling for. The
rules continue to apply to the public
sector. Sadly, with many large organisations
such, as Barclays and Lloyds, having already
told their contractors that they will not be
extending their contracts beyond April 2020,
for many it comes too late."
25/03/2020 - 10:46
Please remember that the UK is on Lockdown!
THE Cronavirus is disrupting everything we know. Adapting isn't
always easy. This was Southport on 1st day of the UK's Lockdown,
on 24 March 2020. It was a lot quieter than we expected, with
most people obeying the rules. The small seaside resort over the
weekend had been the location of a massive rise in people
heading to the resort, despite requests not to and to stay at
home. The footage was taken by our regulated journalistic staff,
who are classed as:- 'key workers.' Please remember to stay safe
and well by heading home and not going against the UK
Government's notices. This is our chance to win the fight
against the Coronavirus.
New rules in force now and you must
stay at home if you are not a key worker. Key workers should
also stay at home if they can work from home! For more
information and exemptions, please visit:-
"Stay at home. Protect the NHS. Save lives."
The UK Government, on 23 March 2020, introduced 3 new measures.
Requiring people to stay at home, except for very limited
purposes. Closing non-essential shops and community spaces.
Stopping all gatherings of more than 2 people in public. Every
citizen must comply with these new measures. The relevant
authorities, including the police, will be given the powers to
enforce them; including through fines and dispersing gatherings.
These measures are effective immediately. The Government will
look again at these measures in 3 weeks, and relax them if the
evidence shows this is possible.
Staying at home!!!
You should only leave the house for 1 of 4 reasons:-
1. Shopping for basic necessities, for example food and medicine,
which must be as infrequent as possible.
2. 1 form of exercise a day, for example, a run, walk, or cycle;
alone or with members of your household.
3. Any medical need, or to provide care or to help a vulnerable
4. Travelling to and from work, but only where this absolutely
cannot be done from home.
These 4 reasons are exceptions; even when doing these
activities, you should be minimising time spent outside of the
home and ensuring you are 2 meters apart from anyone outside of
your household. These measures must be followed by everyone.
Separate advice is available for individuals or households who
are isolating, and for the most vulnerable who need to be
shielded. If you work in a critical sector outlined in this
guidance, or your child has been identified as vulnerable, you
can continue to take your children to School.
Closing non-essential shops and public spaces.
Last week, the Government ordered certain businesses;
including:- pubs, cinemas and theatres; to close. The Government
is now extending this requirement to a further set of businesses
and other venues, including:- All non-essential retail stores;
this will include:- clothing and electronics stores; hair,
beauty and nail salons; and outdoor and indoor markets,
excluding food markets. Libraries, Community Centres, and Youth
Centres will be closed. Indoor and outdoor leisure facilities,
such as bowling alleys, arcades and soft play facilities.
Communal places within parks, such as:- playgrounds, sports courts
and outdoor gyms. Places of worship, except for funerals
attended by immediate families. Hotels, hostels, bed and
breakfasts, campsites, caravan parks, and boarding houses for
commercial leisure use (excluding permanent residents and key
Stopping public gatherings.
To make sure people are staying at home and apart from each
other, the Government is also stopping all public gatherings of
more than 2 people. There are only 2 exceptions to this rule:-
1. Where the gathering is of a group of people who live
together; this means that a parent can, for example, take their
children to the shops if there is no option to leave them at
2. Where the gathering is essential for work purposes; but
workers should be trying to minimize all meetings and other
gatherings in the workplace.
In addition, the Government is stopping social events,
including:- weddings, baptisms and other religious ceremonies.
This will exclude funerals, which can be attended by immediate
These measures will reduce our day to day contact with
other people. They are a vital part of our efforts to reduce the
rate of transmission of Coronavirus. Every citizen is instructed
to comply with these new measures. The Government will,
therefore, be ensuring the UK's Police and other relevant
Authorities have the powers to enforce them, including fines and
dispersing gatherings where people do not comply. This move was
announced on 23 March 2020 and will initially last for the 3
weeks, at which point the Government will look at them again and
relax them if the evidence shows this is possible.
Total UK cases
COVID-19 Cases Update for Liverpool City Region and
IN the UK, as fatalities rise by
87 to 422, including 1 confirmed death in Wirral. The number
of COVID-19 infections has risen by 1,427 in just a day, to
8,077, the Department of Health said. In England, there are
a total of 6,843 confirmed cases. North West - total of 593
confirmed cases. Current confirmed cases within the
following local authorities are as follows:-
► Liverpool, 41 confirmed cases.
► Sefton, 13 confirmed cases.
► Wirral, 15 confirmed cases.
► St. Helens, 8 confirmed cases.
► Halton, 8 confirmed cases.
► Lancashire, 71 confirmed cases.
► Cheshire West and Chester, 18 confirmed cases.
► Cheshire East, 25 confirmed cases.
► Manchester, 41 confirmed cases.
► Stockport, 42 confirmed cases.
► Trafford, 31 confirmed cases.
► Wigan, 11 confirmed cases.
► Bolton, 19 confirmed cases.
► Rochdale, 24 confirmed cases.
► Bury, 17 confirmed cases.
► Tameside, 32 confirmed cases.
► Oldham, 34 confirmed cases.
► Blackburn with Darwen, 2 confirmed cases.
These stats are according to Public Health England as of
See archived update pages
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