Formby Village closed
for a performance.....

ON Saturday, 15 December 2007,
Formby village was yet again closed to traffic as a
massive nativity play was watched by an enthusiastic
crowd. The event had a wonderful atmosphere about
it, despite the cold weather. For two hours, the
centre of Formby village came to a stand still as it
became the site of an enthralling play, which
recreated the story of Christmas. The performance
used live animals and actors who, aided by local
children, enacted the script, as the narrated story
boomed out over a PA system.
'Formby Churches Together' organisers, Bruni Jones
and June McGibbon, told us that:- "The event
was a magical success. We hoped to show the true
story of Christmas to as many people as we could
and, thanks to the efforts of many people, we feel
we achieved our goal, very successfully. We would
like to thank all who braved the cold and came out
to see the event and especially we would like to
thank all who took part in it. Special thanks must
go to Trinity St. Peter's School, St. Luke's School,
St. Jerome's School and Freshfield Primary, whose
pupils took part. Also thanks to Rice Lane City
Farm, who supplied the goats and sheep, Mr. G Dyson
for supplying the donkey, Merseyside Police for not
only supplying the Mounted Horses, but also for
helping with the running of the event, Range High
School for producing the handouts and finally to
Formby Parish Council for its support and to Andy
Johnson, who provided the PA system."
To all the churches who took part from Altcar,
Hightown and Formby, 'Well done'. This
was a truly well planned and run event, which we
hope to see it become an annual fixture.
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