Ladies Charity Night
Wants You!!!

ON 22 July 2011, the Skylounge Southport will host a Ladies
Charity Night in aid of the Sharoe Green Maternity Unit. The live
entertainment acts and other activities of this event will run from
8pm to 10:30pm, and then will open to the public from 11pm for even
more fun... For an insight into some of the night's highlights,
there will be 2 strippers, a Drag Act and a Raffle with some
fantastic prizes... Also you get a chance to sponge/gunk the main
organiser, Lindsey, and you might even get the chance to gunk our
editor, Patrick!!! The charity was chosen by Lindsey and her friends
after the death of one of their friend’s children at birth. So this
is a very personal charity to Lindsey and her friends, so although
the night is fun, the main aim of the girls will be to raise as much
cash as they can... Do consider; all the people taking part are
doing it for good fun, but especially for this fantastic charity, so
please give plenty and help raise lots of cash while you enjoy
what’s on offer! If you do not know about the Unit; well, it helps
over 4,600 babies who are delivered each year. The Baby Beat Appeal,
is the Unit’s way of raising that extra cash to enable it to take
advantage of the very best in foetal monitoring equipment which
could decide the fate of your unborn child or grandchild! So what a
fantastic charity to raise money for, as you have fun? Tickets are
only £10 each and bought from a fantastic lass, called Lindsey, by
calling:- 07814218759. You can also get tickets from the:- Sky
Lounge on Coronation Walk, Southport, PR8 1RD. Or you can contact us
by emailing your full contact information to our news room email
with your full name, marked clearly "Skylounge Ladies Charity
Night" and the event team will get back to you.
Did you know...? The Baby Beat Appeal was established in 1987 and
aims to maintain and raise standards in preventive care at the
Sharoe Green Maternity Unit at Royal Preston Hospital. If you do not
know the location of the Unit, it is in Fulwood, Preston and its
charity number is:- 1051194-7. Also if you want more information
please do visit the Unit's Appeal website at:- Also the events Facebook page
is on:-
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Tickets now on sale
from our site,
here to buy! |