Book's Crime Night!

WELL it was a
"Criminally Good Night" at Formby Books, on 15 March
2012. The night was held at the Book Shop that is sited within
the village's historic Derbyshires, on Chapel Lane. It was a
good, old fashioned get-together for 60 plus, like minded
people, who have a passion for books, but also on offer were
some fantastic treats... A spread of food was put on by the
Derbyshires' Tea Shop and Formby Books stunning Deputy Manager,
Vicki, when not selling books, is a singer, so appropriately she
delivered some crime related tunes. Not forgetting Magical John
Harding, who amused the kids and adults alike. But we have to
say, it was no shock that the highlight of the night came from
talks given by two amazing, local authors, Martin Edwards and
Kate Ellis. Their books will be on our Mersey Reporter Shop very
soon! If you missed the night, well
do not panic as they are offering what promises be another
fantastic event; this time a very special visit from Rachel
Joyce on Thursday, 29 March 2012, again, inside Derbyshires. It
will take place from 12 noon and run until 2pm, with a buffet, a
reading, and a signing on offer. 'The Unlikely Pilgrimage
of Harold Fry' has only been out for a few days, yet it
is already high in the bestseller charts and looks like being
the fastest selling debut novel of the year. So do not miss this
opportunity! And even more amazing events are to follow! We will let the photos on this
link tell you the rest of the tale of what happened on the Crime
Night!!! Enjoy...
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