Green belt
in danger

HIGHLY concerned Formby
citizens met for the second time on of Friday, 14 September
2012, in The Formby Branch of the British Legion’s former Hall.
Around 450 attended the evening run by the Formby Residents
Action Group - Opposition From Formby (F.R.A.G.O.F.F.). This
meeting was called for by the group following an application by
David Wilson Homes (a part of Barratt Developments Ltd.) to
build 400 houses on farm land, which is reported to be known to
flood, and is in the local green belt. Other organisations
locally have been trying to build in the local greenbelt and
have met with Council refusals, like Formby Football club who
wanted to have a kids centre. The meeting also covered
government ministers plans to push through a controversial
relaxation of planning regulations, having reputedly already
opposed some developments in their own constituencies, which
included new housing, a care home for elderly people and
business developments. One of the F.R.A.G.O.F.F members said
that:- "This is surely a case of; what is sauce for the
goose, is sauce for the gander.”
We found many angry people attending the meeting, it was
standing-room only, suggesting this will become a really hot
topic in the months to come. Some of the local Councillors were
present, as well as the local MP, Bill
Esterson, and there was not
a dissenting voice heard throughout the meeting and outside
afterwards. But the views raised at the meeting have also been
shown, on websites like Formby First
website, so it is clear
David Wilson Homes and Barratt Homes have a fight on their
It was made quite clear that F.R.A.G.O.F.F. also believes that
should the developers obtain permission to build on that piece
of regularly farmed land, a precedent would be created for the
whole country. Although the Government requires Sefton to
provide homes, the Council is not allowed to use the 600 empty
homes, nor build on areas were there had been industry! Sadly
many at the meeting felt that such petty rules are hamstring the
struggling local Council. In the view of F.R.A.G.O.F.F., it
seems that should the developers win, then everyone else loses.
That say that:- "No account is being taken, by a far away
controlling body, of the issues involved regarding this proposed
development, of traffic and services (drainage, water, schools,
health-care, affordable housing costs) nor the feelings of the
local community. When there is accommodation available
throughout Sefton and the difficulty in finding people willing
to buy houses or have rented accommodation, it beggars belief
that what is available cannot be included the completion of the
target set by the absentee legislators. Commonsense does not
prevail!" F.R.A.G.O.F.F. also asks:- "Is it that
this Government is doing its best to be voted out of office in 2
years time?"
According to the Planning Minister, Nick Boles, those who
campaign to Save the Greenbelt are:- “hysterical, scare
mongering latter-day Luddites.” But F.R.A.G.O.F.F.
reacts to this by saying:- "Formby people are not like
that. They are only defending their true right to defend the
right to say how their community develops and what is best for
the area. It is everyone’s British heritage."
People, you are invited to have your say and keep up-to-date
with the F.R.A.G.O.F.F. campaign at:- and to
sign their
online petition to
protect the greenbelt, "If you do sign the petition,
it will help us at F.R.A.G.O.F.F to obtain the needed 100,000
signatures to get a debate in Parliament." said
We are waiting for a reply from David Wilson Homes and Barratt
Homes on their proposals for a large scale housing development
scheme in Formby.
So, do you have any views on this topic? Do you agree or
disagree with F.R.A.G.O.F.F.? Please let us know by emailing us
Click on
here to see more
photographs taken at this event.

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