Lights Switch On - 2012
Photograph by Patrick

THE Formby Lights
Switch On took place on Thursday, 29 November 2012, with an
audience of hundreds. This year we have to make a special
mention of the organisers, including new Chair Pat Wordley from
Woodwards, Peter Dunne and
the Champion's Sue Dare who have all supported this wonderful
event for 11 years now, and also a big well done to Cllr
Dutton, who did an amazing job as fundraiser. As the excitement
grew, members of the Mersey Cats played pop songs on the main
stage and stores sold ice creams, crepes, roasted chestnuts,
mulled wine, toffee apples, hotdogs and lots more.
the Butcher's BBQ was
also a major draw as normal! There were also fairground rides.
This is the first time the new Formby Event Group took charge
and they did a fantastic job. The VIP's were David Fairclough,
aka "super sub", who played for Liverpool FC from
1974 to 1983, along with Mike McCartney, known professionally as
McGear, who was a
member of the Liverpool band 'The Scaffold' and
also the younger brother of Paul McCartney. A slight mistake with the
timing meant as local school children were still singing as the
lights came on, but oddly that was very atmospheric and reminded
us of the Churchtown Jungle
Lights a few days back.
That did not stop the official countdown though, as the VIP's
told the crowds who had come to see them press the button to
imagine the lights going on. This was actually very funny and
proved to be highly entertaining. Also both VIP's were provided
honorary membership of The Merseycats. As the celebrations
finished a large crowd gathered to meet Father Christmas, in his
Carol wagon supplied by Formby Rotary. Others headed to Formby
Pool for a talk and some to the Formby Olde Book Shop. The VIP's
and other members of the Turn On team headed to the Conservative
Club, to count the donations collected on the night, and also to
warm up. A special event after party was held at Woodwoods. Well
done to all involved; this year's lights look fantastic! To see
our coverage click on
here now.

Happy Birthday
to Keith Lloyd
from Southport
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us the names
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